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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1632378 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1632378

摘  要
  本系统为人事工资管理系统。采用的开发工具是 MicroSoft Visual Foxpro 6.0。系统能够提供对人事信息输入、查询、编辑以及工资设定、查询、修改、算出工资发放各项合计数据;可自主设定条件从而达到对工资数据的多角度查询功能;方便导入、导出数据及输出报表。财务部门人员以管理员身份登录,对本系统的可登录人员进行管理;实现了财务部门对本单位工资发放系统的集中管理,保证了系统的安全性。支持运行的环境:Microsoft Window98/2000/XP。

关键词:人事管理、工资管理、查询、修改、打印、Visual Foxpro

Enterprise's personal administration and wages management is a corporate management important content. Increases along with the enterprise personnel quantity, enterprise's wages supervisory work also changes more and more complex. The wages management already involves to the enterprise work human affairs management, at the same time also is the enterprise financial control important constituent. The wages management needs to relate with the personnel management, The fund is the enterprise survival principal element, the fund flows affects enterprise's whole operation, the enterprise staff's wages is an enterprise fund management important constituent. The early wages counts and provides all is the use artificial way processing material, not only the expenditure finance personnel's massive time also are not easy to preserve, often as a result of individual factor transcription carelessly or the computation negligence, appears the wages to provide the wrong phenomenon. The early wages management adopts the material and has the strong time limit. Based on the above reason, the enterprise wages management system management system use computer safely preserves, the rapid calculation, the comprehensive statistics, the realization wages management systematization, the standardization, the automation.
  This system is a salary administrative system of the personnel. The developing instrument adopted is MicroSoft Visual Foxpro 6.0. The system can be offered to personnel information inputting, inquire , edits , type and the data editor that granted every detail project of salary, calculate out the salary and grant every data of totalling automatically; Can establish condition to is it inquire about the function to salary large angles of datum to reach independently; It is convenient to channel into , lead out the data and output the report form . Financial department personnel log in in the capacity of administrator , can log in to personnel to manage to this systematic one; Have realized financial department's granting systematic centralized management to the salary of our unit, security of the security system. Support the environment operated: Microsoft Window98/2000/XP.

Key Words:  The personnel management , salary are managed, inquires about, has a look around, print,Visual Foxpr


目 录
摘  要 3
第一章  前 言 5
1、1本课题的研究意义 5
1、2本论文的目的、内容及作者的主要贡献 5
1.2、1目的 5
1.2、2内容 5
1.2、3作者的主要贡献 6
第二章  人事工资管理系统概述 6
2.1  人事工资管理信息软件的设计内容包括: 6
2.2 能模块的划分 7
2.2..1系统管理 7
2.2.2工资设定 8
2.2.3工资查询 8
2.2.4工资汇总 9
2.2.5人事管理 9
2.2.6帮助 9
2.2.7退出系统 9
2.3  数据库设计 9
2.3.1 数据字典 10
2.4  用户界面 11
2.5 实现思路 11
2.5.1用户管理 11
2.5.2界面设计 12
2.6 系统特点 12
第三章  人事管理系统的界面 12
3 .1人事管理系统的界面 13
3.2人事记录的修改 14
3.3人事记录的查询 15
第四章  总结 15
4.1结论及体会 15
4.1.1数据库方面 15
4.1.2 VISUAL FOXPRO6.0 16
4.2致谢 16
参考文献 16
附录 17
人事管理系统的代码实现 : 17
3初始化 19
4删除的代码 19
6添加的代码 19
7修改的代码 19
8退出的代码 20
