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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638271 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638271



【关键词】国际游资 人民币升值 房地产价格


The exchange rate is a ratio of one national currency converts another national currency, is our country took in the open economy affects the widespread macroscopic economical signal.In recent years continued growth of the international floating capital enters into China along with our country’s foreign exchange reserve increased , the Renminbi exchange rate was facing the formidable revaluation pressure; On the other hand, the real estate industry took the national economy the pillar industry, is playing the important role in the national economy development. Recent years Nan Chang’s real estate price group successively climbed, the house price increased so much that common people have no ability to afford it. But the present Renminbi exchange rate revaluation will have the obvious influence to the real estate market price. The analysis to Renminbi exchange rate revaluation to the real estate market price trend influence is extremely essential.

【Key Words】International floating capital ; Renminbi exchange rate,;real estate price

目  录
引言    2
1 人民币汇率变动与房价变动的理论分析    2
1.1传导的预期效应    2
1.2 传导的财富效应    3
1.3 传导的通货膨胀效应    3
1.4 传导的地产股票价格效应    4
2 人民币升值与南昌市房价变动的实践    5
2.1 关于一些指标的选取    5
2.2 短期影响    6
2.3中长期影响    7
3 稳定南昌市房地产市场价格的一些建议    8
3.1削弱市场对人民币升值的预期    8
3.2加强对南昌市房地产市场的治理    8
3.3开发经济适用房    8
结束语    9
参考文献    10
致   谢    11
