来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635183 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635183
摘 要:作为准公共物品的农业保险的外部性导致市场机制不能对农业保险资源进行有效配置,保障农业保险的有效供求。然而过度的政府干预和高额政策补贴导致解决市场失灵,同时产生一系列的负面效应:如扭曲市场机制的资源配置功能,降低资源配置效率。本文将从经济学角度出发对农业保险政策性补贴的双重效应进行分析,结合中外农业保险政策性补贴得现状,发现中国农业保险政策补贴存在问题,针对产生的问题进行具体的分析并提出建设性意见。
Analysis of Policy-type Subsidies in Chinese Agricultural Insurance
Abstract: As quasi-public goods the externalities of agricultural insurance to market mechanism cannot on agricultural insurance resources for effective configuration, ensure the effective supply and demand of agricultural insurance. However, excessive government intervention and high policy to solve the market failure subsidies, and produce a series of negative effects: such as distorted market mechanism of resources allocation function, reduce resource allocation efficiency. This paper from the Angle of economics of agricultural insurance policy, the dual effects of the subsidies for analysis, combining Chinese and foreign agricultural insurance policy subsidies have to present situation, found that China's agricultural insurance policy subsidies existing problems, in view of the problems of the specific analysis and put forward a constructive suggestion.
Key words: Agricultural; Insurance; Effect