来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1636625 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636625
摘 要:本文在对湘潭地区290户农户的入户调查上发现湘潭地区农村居民存在收入与金融机构资金门槛间,农村居民意识、金融理财技能的薄弱与现有理财产品所要求的理财技能间、农村居民对理财市场的投资风险能力与现有理财产品风险的矛盾。通过对湘潭地区农村居民理财供需矛盾的原因分析得出了解决农村居民理财供需矛盾的建议,通过拓展农村理财市场的自觉性和主动、加强农村金融理财环境的建设、加强对农村居民理财知识的宣传力度、设计符合农村居民理财需求的产品等来解决农村居民理财供需矛盾。
The Contradiction Between Supply And Demand of Rural Residents Financial Analysis------ A Case Study of Xiangtan
Abstract:This paper to 290 households in xiangtan area of farmers found on the household survey of xiangtan region rural residents income and financial institutions exist between capital threshold, rural residents consciousness, financial skills of the weak and the existing financial products required between money management skills, financial market of rural residents of the investment risk ability and the existing financial product risk of conflict. Through the rural residents of xiangtan regions financial management, the contradiction between supply and demand that the cause analysis to solve the contradiction between supply and demand of rural residents financial advice, through the development of rural financial market consciousness and active, strengthen the construction of rural financial environment, to strengthen the financial management of rural residents knowledge propaganda, design in the rural residents financial needs products to solve the contradiction between supply and demand of rural residents finance.
Key words: Rural residents; Residents financial; Financial supply and demand
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
一、研究农村居民理财矛盾的意义 2
(一)农村居民消费需求的角度 2
(二)经济背景的影响以及当前社会形势的角度 2
(三)农村居民自身的角度 3
二、相关定义的界定 3
(一)农村居民 3
(二)居民理财 3
三、湘潭地区农村居民理财供需矛盾的现状 3
(一)农村居民收入与金融机构资金门槛间矛盾 4
(二)农村居民理财技能与理财产品要求的理财技能间的矛盾 5
(三)农村居民理财的基础设施与金融产品所需设施间矛盾 5
(四)农村居民的抗风险能力与现有理财产品风险的矛盾 6
四、农村居民理财供需矛盾分析 6
(一)理财信息来源渠道单一 6
(二)传统观念的束缚 7
(三)文化素质和教育水平低 7
(四)金融机构理财业务开展不足 8
(五)农村正规金融服务缺位 9
(六)农村金融投资产品比较单一 9
五、解决农村居民理财供需的对策建议 10
(一)要拓展农村理财市场的自觉性和主动 10
(二)要加强农村理财环境的建设 10
(三)要加强对农村居民理财知识的宣传力度 11
(四)要设计符合农村居民理财需求的产品 11
(五)要建立贴近农村居民的理财产品超市 11
(六)要加强农村居民在理财市场的风险教育 12
(七)要培养应用型农村理财服务人才 12
六、结束语 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14
附录 15 |