摘 要
在技术层面上,系统主要是采用集成芯片来完成的,这个设计中用NS(National Semiconductor)公司带有3D环绕声场处理功能的LM4610N做音调芯片,通过改变直流控制电压来实现音调控制;前置放大使用了曾经的“运放之皇”NE5532,典型的增益为20dB;后级功率放大部分用的也是NS公司的一款经典芯片――LM1875芯片,每声道两片,驳接成桥式推挽BTL电路,以取得更大的功率以及更好的音效;此外此音响还带有无信号或定时智能关机的电源控制设计,以适应一般家用的使用习惯。
With the development of people’s living standards, the hi-fi audio system and family video system have come into people’s life. It’s no longer a dream to establish a suitable and favorable hi-fi audio system as people’s desires for electronic products are becoming stronger.
Under the guidance of the ratio between quality and price, considering the basic technical index, the essay discusses the ordinary multi- media hi-fi audio amplifiers. The content of the essay develops from shallow to profound, and is illustrated with diagrams to introduce the structures and relative knowledge of the household audio system, and also the detailed working procedures, including the entry of front extending circus, volume controller, voice dealing circus, efficiency extending circus and supply circus. And meanwhile the essay describes the features of the main chip and also on how to use and to learn from this system.
I’ve tried my best to make the language of this essay easy and simple for readers, and with every wish that they can learn something useful from my works: how to make an audio system, and how to choose the right materials for it.
As per techniques, the design chiefly adopts the integrated chips. In this design, I adopted the NS’s LM4610N with 3D voice encircling function as the leading chips, by changing the voltage of direct circus to control the volume. The front amplifier is the “Master of amplifier” NE5532, with the typical increase 20dB. The rear efficiency amplifier also adopts NS’s LM1875, every step two pieces, bridging into BTL push-pull circus so as to achieve the higher efficiency and better voice. Besides, for customers’ convenience, the system can timely be turned of f automatically when there is no signal.
At the end of my essay, I also state about the difficulties and problems during my design and test, the ways to solves these problems and also offer some standard national testing approaches for reader’s references.
Key words: 3D encircling; Integrated chips; Voltage controller of direct current; BTL;
Automatically turned off without signal;

目 录
引言 1
1 家用音响系统 1
1.1 家用音响概述 1
1.2 家用音响系统组成 2
2 家用高保真功率放大器 3
2.1 功率放大器种类 3
2.2 高保真功率放大器主要技术指标 4
3 功放电源 7
3.1 功放电源概述 7
3.2 功放电源组成 7
3.3 整流滤波电路 9
3.4 稳压电路 12
4 方案论证阐述及可行性分析 12
4.1 设计要求 12
4.2 方案论证 13
4.2.1音调芯片方案选定 13
4.2.2前置放大器方案选定 13
4.2.3后级放大器方案选定 14
4.2.4电源方案选定 14
4.2.5定时智能控制方案选定 14
4.3 具体方案阐述 14
4.3.1前级放大器方案阐述 14
4.3.2后级放大器方案阐述 18
4.2.5定时智能控制方案选定 21
5.2 电路板制作经验总结 23
5.2.1制板步骤 23
5.2.2 Protel99se的使用经验总结 23
6 功放的调试 24
6.1 调试步骤 24
6.2 模块调试 24
6.2.1电源调试 25
6.2.2后级功放模块调试 25
6.2.3前置放大模块调试 25
6.2.4前置音调模块调试 25
6.2.5电源控制模块调试 26
7.1 性能指标测试的必要性 26
7.2 主要性能指标测试 26
7.3 测试所用仪器 28
7.4 测试结论 28
8 总结 28
8.1 完成程度及使用说明 28
8.2 技术优点 29
8.3 技术缺陷 29
谢 辞 31
参考文献 32
附 录 33
附录1电路原理图 33
附录2 PCB 图 37