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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16311948 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16311948

The graduation thesis design of LED bulbs
摘  要

LED lamp is lighting cause the third revolutionary career, 2015 Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to three scientists in Japan, from the invention of the blue LED lights, known for this LED bulbs has brought the infinite vitality for the world lighting, LED bulbs into homes will become a reality. At the same time, the promotion of LED bulbs is also a key work, become an essential work in the industry. LED energy-saving lamp energy saving more than 80%, life is more than 10 times of ordinary incandescent bulbs, is almost maintenance-free, often there is no change of problem such as lamp, ballast, electric fluorescent starter, energy-saving down can switch back to cost about half a year, is a green environmental protection of semiconductor light source, the light is downy, spectrum pure, is beneficial to people's eyesight protection and health, 6000 k light source, give a person with cool and refreshing feeling on the vision, help people focus and improve efficiency.
Keywords: LED lights, energy saving, high efficiency


摘  要    I
Abstract    II
目录    III
绪  论    IV
第1章  概  述    1
1.1课题背景与研究意义    1
1.2国内外概况    2
第2章  二极管的介绍    5
2.1二极管及发光二极管的介绍    5
2.1.1  支架    6
2.2.2  银胶    7
2.2.3  金线    8
2.2.4  环氧树脂:    8
2.2.5  模条:    8
2.3  二极管及发光二极管的工作原理    9
第3章  照明系统中的二极管    12
3.1  发光二极管在照明系统中的应用    12
3.2  发光二极管的优点    15
第4章  硬件方面的设计    16
4.1  驱动器及电容原理及应用技术    16
4.2  举例分析    17
第5章  装配的过程    21
第6章  结束语    25
致  谢    26
参考文献    27
