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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313795 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313795


Image Fusion Algorithms and Research Based on MATLAB
Abstract: We fuse two or more image sources into a single image through a series of p¬¬r-ocesses. We call these processes as image fusion. The original image sources describe th¬e¬ same scene. We can get these image sources from a single or a plurality of sensors. W¬e¬ can also get them when the sensors operating under different modes, or at different w¬ork¬i¬ng time. In this paper, we mainly use MATLAB simulation to compare four image f¬usion methods, including the weighted average, HIS, PCA, wavelet transform. In this  way, we can analyze advantages and disadvantages of various methods, and analyze the limitat¬i¬ons of each method. Then we will know the fields of application of each method, so w¬-e can get better fusion results in different situations.
Keywords: image fusion, IHS, PCA, Wavelet transform, Matlab


目 录
1绪论    1
1.1课题研究背景及意义    1
1.2常用的图像传感器及特点    1
1.3图像融合的应用    2
2图像融合理论    2
2.1图像融合的分类    2
2.1.1按信息表征层次分类    3
2.1.2按图像源分类    3
2.1.3按融合方法分类    3
2.2图像融合的目的    4
3常用的图像融合方法    4
3.1加权平均图像融合方法    4
3.2IHS空间图像融合方法    5
3.3主成分分析法    6
3.4基于小波变换的图像融合方法    8
3.4.1小波变换基本理论    8
3.4.2小波变换在图像融合的应用    9
3.4.3融合规则    11
3.4.4融合规则改进    11
4图像融合效果评价    12
4.1主观评价    12
4.2客观评价    12
5实验结果及分析    14
6结论    20
参考文献:    20
致谢    22
