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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313804 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313804


Medical Image Analysis Based on Generative Adversarial Networks
Abstract: Cancer is now the biggest threat to human health. Since the development of digital pathology and deep learning, researchers have gradually focused on the development of intelligent computer-aided diagnostic systems. At present, the common deep learning network is based on the supervision of the training, so the need for a large number of tagged data. In the field of medical images, it is difficult to obtain a large number of labeled training samples to drive deep network, so it is likely to cause over-fitting problems.The Generative Adversarial Networks(GAN) can learn the distribution characteristics of samples from a small number of samples, so that a large number of distributed data can be generated.So in order to solve this contradictory problem, this paper proposes a medical image analysis method based on GAN network to obtain training samples. Firstly according to a small number of medical experts with the sample training GAN, and then trained GAN generate a large number of forged samples, and finally based on Alexnet and lenet5 classification training test. The method proposed in this paper is based on three medical data and tests: 1) DCE-MRI nuclear mammography images, the original sample classification accuracy rate of 62%, with anti-network generated samples as a training set, with the original sample as a test set to get accurate The rate of 87%, with the original sample and confrontation samples together as a training set, with the original image and confrontation generated part of the sample as a test set, the final accuracy rate as high as 93.5%. 2) oral cancer 2 data, the original sample training accuracy rate of 90%, with GAN network against positive samples after the training accuracy rate reached 98%. 3) cervical cancer three types of data, the original data training test to obtain the accuracy rate of 62.5%, through the GAN network to expand the three types of data sets, the training test accuracy rate of 75%.
Key words: deep learning,Generative Adversarial Networks, medical image analysis


摘要    1
1.引言    3
2.方法    6
2.1 生成对抗网络    6
2.2基于对抗生成网络的肿瘤分割模型    8
2.2.1 数据预处理    9
2.2.2 本文所采用的GAN(对抗生成网络)介绍    10
2.2.3 基于caffe的深度网络分类器简介    12
3. 数据集介绍    14
4. 实验    15
4.1实验步骤    15
4.1.1 三阴性核磁共振乳腺癌数据集    15
4.1.2 口腔癌数据集    16
4.1.3 宫颈癌数据集    16
4.2 实验结果    18
5.结论    20
参考文献    21
致谢    23
