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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313807 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313807

Image Classification Method Based On
Deep Compressed Convolutional Neural Networks
Abstract:We proposed a deep compressed convolutional neural networks method based on quantized convolutional neural network, and develop an android application program to implement image classification. This method can simultaneously compress deep convolutional neural networks and speed up the computing process by quantizing parameters both in fully-connected layers and convolutional layers. In this paper, the fully-connected layer is used to compress the model, and the speed of the network is improved by quantizing the convolutional layers, and we introduce the idea  of error correction into the quantization of network parameters to reduce the accuracy loss. More intuitively, for weights matrix involved in the fully-connected layers and convolution layers, we split them into several subspaces by learning their respective codebook and indicator matrix, and the optimization can be solved by k-means clustering in each subspace to get the optimal codebook and indicator matrix. For error correction, we directly minimize the estimation error of each layer’s response by coordinate descent to reduce the accumulation of error caused by quantizing multiple layers in the training phase. We also take previous layer’s estimation error into consideration in the training phase to reduce the accumulation error, hence, we method can dramatically improve efficiency both in model’s computing process and size. Finally, we apply our method on AlexNet and develop an android application program to implement image classification task which takes about 1.9s as well as comparing accuracy performance with original AlexNet model on ILSVRC-12 benchmark with only 1.1% accuracy descent. In addition, the compressed model size is only 17.6M, compared to the original model size 264.74M, the compression rate is up to 15 times.
Keywords: CNN;quantize;compress ;image classification


1.    绪论    1
1.1背景及意义    1
1.2卷积神经网络简介    1
1.3压缩深度卷积网络的目的及研究现状    2
1.4主要研究工作    2
1.5论文组织结构    3
2.    预备知识    4
2.1神经网络模型    4
2.1.1神经元模型    4
2.1.2神经网络    4
2.2卷积神经网络    5
2.3坐标下降法    6
2.4 K-means算法    8
3.    深度卷积神经网络的压缩    10
3.1量化全连接层    10
3.2量化卷积层    10
3.3误差校正量化    11
3.3.1全连接层的误差校正    11
3.3.2卷积层的误差校正    12
3.3.3多层误差校正    13
3.3.4计算复杂度    13
4.深度压缩卷积网络在手机端的实现    14
4.1软件环境搭建    14
4.2项目代码的编译与执行    15
4.2.1 JNI与代码编译    15
4.2.2读取模型文件与图片保存    16
4.2.3执行    17
4.3实验结果    17
4.3.1 AlexNet    17
4.3.2ILSVRC-12数据集    18
4.3.3单张图像的分类    18
5.总结与展望    20
参考文献    20
致谢    21
