来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16313842 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313842
Design and Simulation of digital baseband transmission system
Abstract:Analog signals have many advantages, but digital signals have more good characteristics than analog signals, and at the same time, it has some disadvantages, such as higher requirements for equipment. In recent years, the development of large-scale integrated circuit (LSI) technology has been greatly accelerated, and the technical and equipment requirements of digital signal systems have become more difficult. The problem of bandwidth has also been effectively solved with the extensive use of transmission media such as optical fiber and transmission compression technology with high efficiency. Digital signal-based transmission mode is gaining popularity .
We usually use MATLAB simulation design language to simulate the digital baseband transmission system. MATLAB can be used to calculate the numerical value and process the figure. Is the most advanced programming language. If you want to study the digital baseband transmission system MATLAB can play a great role.
Keywords: digital baseband transmission; MATLAB simulation; cosine; eye diagram
数字基带传输系统设计与仿真 I
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 数字基带传输系统简介 1
1.2 数字基带传输系统结构 2
第二章 数字基带信号 3
2.1 基本的基带信号波形 3
2.2 基带传输的常用码型 4
第三章 码间串扰 6
3.1 码间串扰的产生 6
3.2 码间串扰的解决方法 6
3.3 滚降因子 6
3.4 无码间串扰 7
3.4.1 无码间串扰时域条件 7
3.4.2 无码间串扰传输特性 7
3.5 理想低通 8
第四章 实验仿真 9
4.1 仿真设计 9
4.2 余弦滚降系统基于MATLAB的仿真 9
4.3接收滤波器的实现 10
总结 13
参考文献(References) 14
致谢 15
附录 16 |