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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313857 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313857


Multi-channel responder
The multi-channel responder designed in this paper can provide chances for more players or teams to respond competitively. When the response begins, if there are players responding and pressing the button within the countdown time, the system can show and store the number of the first player while the signals from other players will be canceled.
The first chapter concludes the background of the system, summarizes the system in a simple way and introduces the structure of this paper. The second chapter introduces the case selection and conducts the design analysis of the whole system. In the third chapter, the blocks, which contains processing block, power supply block, sound block and monitoring block ,and working principles of the hardware is deeply discussed. The software is introduced in the fourth chapter, especially the figure of the main programming and flow sheet. Finally, in the last chapter, the system debugging process is introduced.
Key words: Microcontroller, displaying equipment, sound cues, reset circuit, clock circuit, C language.
目  录
摘要    II
Abstract    II
第一章 引言    1
1.1背景意义    1
1.2系统概述    1
1.3本论文的设计任务    1
1.4全文的结构    1
第二章 系统方案设计    3
2.1 系统需求分析    3
2.2 系统总体方案设计    3
2.2.1 方案介绍    3
2.2.2 方案确定    5
第三章 系统硬件电路    7
3.1 处理模块    7
3.1.1 方案选择    7
3.1.2 芯片介绍    8
3.1.3 具体电路实现    9
3.2 供电模块    9
3.3 输入模块    10
3.3.1方案选择    10
3.3.2 器件介绍    11
3.3.3 具体电路实现    11
3.4 声音模块    12
3.4.1采用的器件    12
3.4.2 器件介绍    13
3.4.3具体电路实现    13
3.5 显示模块    13
3.5.1 方案选择    13
3.5.2 器件介绍    14
3.5.3 具体电路实现    14
3.6 本章小结    15
第四章 多路抢答器的软件设计    16
4.1 程序设计的原则和语言选择    16
4.2系统整体流程图    17
4.3主程序介绍    18
4.4 本章总结    21
第五章 系统调试    22
5.1程序调试与编译    22
5.2 整个电路原理图    22
5.3硬件搭建    23
5.4 硬件结果    24
结语    29
参考文献    30
致谢    51
