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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313864 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313864


Application of homomorphic filtering algorithm in smog weather traffic monitoring images
Abstract:Fog is a common natural phenomenon. Bad weather conditions like fog would significantly compromise the quality of the images we take. It has low contrast and blurred image, which reduces the application value of images, especially in areas such as traffic monitoring images. The image information processing has a certain impact. Therefore, the research on the characteristics of foggy images has important practical significancet.The research of this thesis mainly uses the homomorphic filtering algorithm to enhance the image obtained under smog weather,for the same image, the results of the classical homomorphic filtering algorithm are compared with the results of the dark primary color prior method of the same group of students. In view of the deficiencies, the three methods of wavelet transform, histogram equalization and infrared imaging are combined to optimize the defogging effect.
Key words: image dehazing; image enhancement; homomorphic filtering; wavelet transform; histogram equalization method


目  录
1.绪论    1
1.1课题研究的意义及背景    1
1.2图像去雾技术的研究历史和发展现状    1
1.3本文主要研究内容和章节安排    2
1.3.1主要研究内容    2
1.3.2结构安排    2
2.图像去雾理论基础    3
2.1雾霾的成因    3
2.2数字图像的基本概念    3
2.3图像去雾的方法分类    3
2.4图像质量的评价方法    4
2.4.1主观评价法    4
2.4.2客观评价法    4
2.5频域变换理论    4
2.5.1傅里叶变换    5
2.5.2短时傅里叶变换    6
3.经典同态滤波算法综合实验    9
3.1同态滤波算法    9
3.1.1基本原理    9
3.1.2算法流程    9
3.1.3滤波器的设计    10
3.2仿真实验    10
3.2.1滤波器参数的选择    10
3.2.2实验结果图像    12
3.3图像质量评价    14
3.4本章小结    15
4.经典同态滤波算法与暗原色先验法结果比较    16
4.1暗原色优先算法理论基础    16
4.1.1大气散射物理模型    16
4.1.2暗原色先验理论    16
4.1.3基于暗原色先验的单幅图像去雾实现步骤    16
4.2暗原色先验法实验结果    17
4.3比较经典同态滤波算法和暗原色先验法去雾后的图像质量    18
4.4本章小结    18
5. 经典同态滤波算法的改进    19
5.1基于小波变换的同态滤波算法    19
5.1.1小波基的选择    19
5.1.2基于小波变换的的同态滤波实验结果图    20
5.1.3图像质量评价    21
5.2经典同态滤波算法与直方图均衡化法结合    22
5.2.1基本概念    22
5.2.2分析经典同态滤波和直方图均衡化法结合去雾后的图像    24
5.2.3图像质量评价    26
5.3基于同态滤波的红外图像增强技术    26
5.3.1红外成像    26
5.3.2仿真实验    27
5.3.3图像质量评价    28
5.4本章小结    28
6.总结与展望    29
6.1总结    29
6.2展望    29
参考文献    30
致 谢    33
