来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16313877 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313877
FPGA-based warehouse fire monitoringand alarmsystem
ABSTRACT:This paper designs an FPGA-based fire monitoring and alarm system. The system is based on EP1C3 and includes flame monitoring, fire alarm and disaster display modules. Through the FPGA, the various functional modules are assembled into a small and convenient hardware system to detect the smoke, temperature and infrared concentration in real time, so as to realize the fire monitoring and alarm; the system is provided with a liquid crystal display, which can display the system in real time. The temperature within the monitoring range can indicate the location of the fire in the event of a fire, facilitating rapid and accurate fire suppression. This system is suitable for fire warning in small closed occasions such as warehouses.
Key words:FPGA;real-time display;alarm
1绪论 5
1.1课题研究背景及意义 5
1.2 国内外研究现状 5
1.3本系统的设计与需求功能 6
2系统的总体设计及原理 7
2.1系统的总体功能结构 7
2.2 FPGA原理 7
2.2.1 FPGA的总体概述 7
2.2.2 FPGA的基本结构 8
2.2.3 FPGA开发编程原理 8
2.3 烟雾检测原理(以MQ-2为例) 9
2.4 红外检测原理 9
2.5 火焰图像检测原理 10
3系统的硬件设计 10
3.1系统模块化 10
3.2系统的整体工作流程 11
3.3各个模块的功能实现 11
3.3.1 FPGA主控模块 11
3.3.2图像监测模块 12
3.3.3 FPGA缓存模块 13
3.3.4 时钟电路 13
3.3.5 DSP模块 14
3.3.6储存器单元 15
3.3.7 液晶显示屏 15
3.3.8红外检测模块 15
3.3.9 电源电路设计 16
3.3.10 自动灭火模块 17
4 系统的软件设计 19
4.1 A/D采集模块程序设计 19
4.2 CAN总线程序设计 20
5系统调试1 21
5.1 系统火灾监测与报警调试 21
5.2 液晶显示屏调试 22
5.3 调试分析 23
6.总结与展望 24