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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313920 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313920


Simulation and Channel Estimation of OFDM System
Abstract:OFDM technology is one of the most important technologies in the research of wireless communication transmission. OFDM technology not only has strong anti-fading ability, but also eliminates interference between signals and improves the utilization rate of spectrum sources. On the basis of OFDM system, the BER performance of OFDM system is analyzed by LS channel estimation algorithm and DFT channel estimation algorithm. The results show that the error rate of OFDM system is low after the protection interval is added. The system BER of DFT channel estimation algorithm is low, and the DFT channel estimation algorithm is superior to the LS algorithm.
Key words: OFDM technology;Protectioninterval;Channelestimation;BER rate
1绪论    1
1.1 OFDM技术的研究背景及意义    1
1.2 OFDM技术的发展历史及应用现状    1
1.3 OFDM的基本思想与特点    2
1.3.1 OFDM的基本思想    2
1.3.2 OFDM技术的特点    2
1.4 运用的工具简介及文章总体规划    3
2 OFDM基本理论    4
2.1 OFDM的原理    4
2.2 多载波调制的原理    5
2.3 调制    6
2.4 实现DFT    7
2.5 保护间隔与循环前缀    9
2.6 信道    11
2.6.1 AWGN信道    11
2.6.2 RAYLEIGH信道    11
3 OFDM系统内的信道估计    12
3.1 LS信道估计算法    12
3.2 DFT信道估计算法    13
4 OFDM系统在MATLAB中的仿真    14
4.1 MATLAB简介及主要特点    14
4.2 OFDM仿真目标    14
4.3 OFDM仿真实现    14
4.3.1 定义部分初始变量    14
4.3.2 产生信源数据    15
4.3.3 产生OFDM符号    15
4.3.4 接受端信号恢复    15
4.3.5 信道估计    15
4.3.6 系统误码率    15
5 OFDM系统仿真结果分析    16
6总结    19
参考文献    20
致谢    21
