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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1632629 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1632629

摘    要

关键词:本安电源;限能保护电路;可控硅; W7800
Mine Intrinsically Safe Type of Power Supply Design

This thesis introducting the types of the intrinsically safe type of power supply and main applications and design main points. The discharge process of capacitive circuit is observed with IEC spark test apparatus,voltage,current and energy of spark discharge are referenced  with numerical method. On the computational methods of limiting resistor and power of independent power supply; Composition of external power supply; ways of limits can the protection circuits,the good and bad points,applicable scope; enhances the measures of output power of intrinsically safe type of power supply. Considering  comprehensivly every factors from the intrinsic safety, Mainly analyzing ways of limits can the protection circuits and the regulators circuits composed with W7800, achieved the designing of silicon-controlled rectifier protected type intrinsically power source, based on W7800 series constitution intrinsically power source, and compares their characteristic simplely.

Keywords: intrinsically safe type of power supply;  limits can the protection circuit;
silicon-controlled rectifier ;  W7800   

目    录  18000字
摘    要 I
Abstract II
1  绪论 1
1.1  研究意义 1
1.2  本质安全电源电路发展过程 1
1.2.1  本质安全理论产生的背景 1
1.2.2  早期的本质安全电源 1
1.2.3  本质安全标准及相关理论发展简介 2
1.2.4  我国本质安全理论、产品及相关标准发展状况 3
1.3  本质安全电路的概念解释 4
2  电容性电路放电特性 5
2.1  IEC标准火花试验装置及试验过程简介 5
2.2  电气放电形式 6
2.2.1  火花放电 6
2.2.2  电弧放电 6
2.2.3  辉光放电 7
2.3  电容性电路放电特性 7
2.3.1  电容性电路放电过程分析 8
2.3.2  电容性电路火花放电功率和能量 8
2.4  放电回路中电感对电容火花放电的影响 8
3  独立电源 11
4  外接电源 13
4.1  电源变压器 13
4.1.1  隔离变压器 14
4.2  滤波电路 15
4.2.1  电容滤波 15
4.2.2  电感滤波 17
4.2.3  复式滤波 18
4.3  限能保护电路 18
4.3.1  限流型保护电路 19
4.3.2  截流型保护电路 20
4.3.3  减流型保护电路 21
4.3.4  保护电路双重化 21
5  可控硅保护式本安电源 23
6  基于W7800构成的本安电源 25
6.1  W7800三端稳压器 25
6.1.1  芯片过热保护电路 28
6.2   由W7800构成的应用电路 29
7  提高本安电源输出功率的途径 31
结 束 语 32
附录A  可控硅保护式本安电源 33
附录B  基于W7800构成的本安电源 34
参 考 文 献 35
致    谢 37
