来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1632691 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1632691
摘 要
关键词:防火; 防盗; 报警系统
Safety technology involves all aspects of the society, is to protect the interests of the state and the people and an important means of security. Along with our country economy, improve the overall level of community facilities construction level also gradually improved. Thus need to ensure the safety of medical equipment to prevent fires. This paper has completed the burglarproof intelligent residential fire alarm system hardware design. First determine the overall design scheme of hardware system, modular design, determine the device modules, the circuit module design, build a whole hardware systems. Intelligent residential anti-theft fire alarm system integrating anti-theft functions of fire, which can realize automatic detection and automatic alarm. Using infrared detection and microwave detector constitutes double jian detector stolen feeling detection. With temperature detector, smoke detector and carbon monoxide detectors sets a composite fire detectors to complete fire detection. The system through the password to identify the status of the host, system after open only to enter the correct password can be closed system. This system USES the watchdog integration chip realize self-diagnosis function, malfunction can be processed. From the two aspects of hardware and software, the anti-interference design, make its have better anti-interference ability, complete system.
Keywords:Fire, Security, Alarm system

目 录 23500字
第1章 绪 论 1
第1.1节 概述 1
第1.2 节 本课题主要工作概述 3
第2章 系统总体设计方案 3
第2.1节 系统总体构成 3
第2.2节 报警系统的功能和工作过程 4
第3章 防盗探测器设计与实现 6
第3.1节 方案选择与论证 6
第3.2节 热释电红外探测器 9
3.2.1 热释电红外探测器件的选择 10
3.2.2 热释电红外探测器电路设计 12
第3.3节 微波探测器 15
3.3.1 微波探测器件的选择 15
3.3.2微波探测器电路设计 16
第4章 防火探测器设计与实现 18
第4.1节 方案论证 18
第4.2节 温度探测器 20
4.2.1 温度探测器件的选择 20
4.2.2 温度探测器电路设计 22
第4.3节 感烟探测器 22
4.3.1 感烟探测器件的选择 23
4.3.2感烟探测电路设计 24
第4.4节 CO探测器 26
4.4.1 CO探测器件的选择 26
4.4.2 CO探测器电路设计 27
第5章 用户端报警器设计 28
第5.1节 用户端自动报警器总体设计 28
第5.2节 报警控制器芯片的选择 30
第5.3节 报警器电路设计 30
5.3.1 键盘电路设计 31
5.3.2 密码显示电路设计 32
5.3.3 声光报警器设计 33
5.3.4 系统电源设计 34
第5.4节 系统硬件抗干扰措施 35
第6章 结论 36
参考文献 38
附录1 39
英文原文 49
中文译文 57
致 谢 63