来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1632717 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1632717
摘 要
随着电力电子技术的发展,用电设备对电源的要求不断提高, 开关电源正逐步向着高效率、大功率密度、高可靠性、低电磁抗干扰、无噪声、维修方便等方向发展。瞬时同步整流技术由于实现简单,响应速度快和具有自然限流等优点而得到广泛地应用。
关键词:DC-DC直流变换; 同步整流技术; MOSFET管
With the development of the electronic technology, the higher requirement of Power Supply are raised including high efficiency, high power density, low EMI, and rapid dynamic response. A hysterics-band instantaneous current control PWM Technique is popularly used because of its simplicity of implementation, fast current control response, and inherent peak current limiting capability.
The design of the foundation of upper,with buck circuit,handle max767 series chip look into a slip of compact avenue realize dc-dc direct current transform,namely application synchronous rectification technical control means,came realize convector highly active wrought of the text at analyses dc-dc technological development. be one's turn convector trunk feeder structure simplicity credibility,could realize import:DC 4.5~5.5v,output dc 5V / 3.3A
Both that of analyses his system principle of operation course,for be one's turn transform method and application supply know clearly rationale,through the medium of synchronous rectification technical means and application MOSFET table design,compare ideal realize know clearly dc-dc convector' design requirement.
At the last,handle these be designed for wrought 'thought out dc-dc dc converter to.
The design,combine versus systemic external characteristic and stability did know clearly analyses of the both text mostly introduce buck circuit and max767 series DC design,principle of operation and major parameter.
keyword:dc-dc direct current transform synchronous rectification technology mosfet tube。
蓄电池充电设备的 基本原理就是一直流电源作用与蓄电池两端,当电源电压高于蓄电池两端时,电池处于充电状态。在这种状态碎随着充电的不断的进行,蓄电池电动势增加,充电电流相应的减少,为了使充电机能以一定的电流对蓄电池充电,则应增加相应的电压,使电流稳定在给定值上。显然手动充电机无法满足这种要求,且超作的失误将缩短蓄电池的使用寿命。
本方案中所提的“软开关逆变式”一词是指充电机系统的核心部分——DC/DC变换器的结构而言。在本系统中DC/DC变换器采用的是带辅助换流谐振开关的全桥式PWM DD/DC变换电路。它是在全桥式PWM DC/DC 变换电路的基础上,结合零电压谐振开关和零电流谐振开关技术而形成的一种新型开关电源设计。

目录 17000字
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 PWM技术历史和现状 1
1.2高频软开关逆变式充电机 2
第二章 主电路的设计 3
2.1整流滤波电路 3
2.2主电路的选型 4
2.3软开关技术的基本概念 6
2.4软开关技术的提出与发展 7
2.5工作过程分析 9
2.6全桥型电路的主电路元气件参数的确定 12
2.7输出滤波电路的设计 16
第三章 滤波电路和主电路的计算 18
3.1 滤波电感 18
3.2 滤波电容 19
3.3 开关器件的设计 20
3.4主电路设计的具体计算 22
3.5 驱动电路的设计 27
第四章 控制电路的设计及保护电路的实现 31
4.1 控制方案的确定 31
4.2 PWM信号的产生 33
4.3 移相及互锁电路 36
4.4 开关信号的产生 38
4.5 恒流控制电路的设计 39
4.6 调节器电路的设计 41
4.7 保护电路设计 42
参考文献 44
致 谢 45