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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638005 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638005

摘    要

关键词:比较电路; 仿真; 版图设计; cmos 工艺; 全定制。

The layout design of ADC Comparator
The layout design of Integrated circuit is an essential design part of manufacturing. It is not only related to the function whether it is corrct or not, but also affect the performance, the cost and the power consumption of Integrated circuit. Because of the raising manufacturing technology, decreasing the size of feature, the affection of the various parasitic parameters is growing. A lot of problems should be considered on the layout design.
In this article, Cadence's Virtuoso custom designing platform makes use of full-custom to design the layout of ADC comparative circuit which uses the cmos technology, inputs the voltage of 2.5 V, samplings the frequency of 125 M, and takes dual-input Model which adopts the standard cmos of 90 nm of the Cadence companies, analyzes the performance of circuit and the simulation by the Spectre tools, and completes the layout by the providing craft by Cadence technology companies, analyzes detailedly the process of the layout design ,verifies DRC and LVS with Assura Tools to prove the layout design of this article fully meet the requirements.

Key Words:samply and hold circuit; layout design; cmos technology; full-custom.

目    录
摘    要    I
1.绪论    0
1.1版图的意义    0
1.2版图设计的原因    1
2 A/D 电路介绍    2
2.1 A/D芯片的电路原理    2
2.1.1 闪烁型A/D转换电路    2
2.1.2 电容积分型A、D转换电路    3
2.1.3 逐次逼近型A/D转换电路    3
2.1.4 Σ-△型A/D转换电路    4
2.1.5流水线型A/D转换电路    5
2.2 本文版图设计的A/D电路详情    6
3.版图前准备    7
3.1电路原理图分析    7
4.版图设计方案    10
4.1版图设计工具Virtuoso简介    10
4.2 版图设计的要求    11
4.2.1 布局    11
4.2.2 单元配置    12
4.2.3 布线    12
4.2.4其他注意    13
5.版图设计    14
5.1 CMOS工艺简介    14
5.2 MOS管设计    15
5.2.1 MOS管图形尺寸的设计    15 MOS管宽长比(W/L)的确定    15 MOS管沟道长度(L)的确定    16 MOS管沟道宽度(W)的确定    17 MOS管源漏区尺寸的确定    17
5.2.2 MOS管版图    17
5.3 电容版图    19
5.4 电阻版图    20
5.5 CMOS保护环    23
5.6 寄生参数    24
5.7衬底噪声分析    26
5.8天线效应的分析    27
5.9 MOS管的匹配分    27
5.10 模块版图设计    30
5.11 版图    31
6.物理验证    36
6.1 DRC检查    36
6.2 LVS检查    38
7.参数提取和后仿真    40
7.1 参数提取    40
7.2模拟后仿真结果与分析    42
8.总结    44
参考文献    45
附    录    46
附录A. A/D比较电路总原理图与各模块原理图    46
附录B. 电路前仿真结果    49
附录C. 电路前仿真原理图    50
附录D. 仿真输入时钟信号原理图    51
谢    辞    52
