来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635481 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635481
摘 要:如今房地产行业是我国民生中最关键的问题,所以我们需要行政部门对房地产开发进行适时恰当的监管,使人们对房地产行业进一步的认识了解。本文先从房地产开发中的行政监管制度阐述了我国房地产开发中的各个利益关系以及房地产开发中的问题,也论证了房地产开发中行政监管的不足,以及得出了如何去完善房地产开发中的行政监管制度。
Describe the administrative supervisory system in the procedure of development of real estate
Abstract: Now the real estate industry is the most critical of people's livelihood issues,so we need the executive branch to real estate development and supervision of people on the Housing Further understanding of the real estate industry. The first of paper described the real estate development in China's administrative supervision system and real estate development interests in the issue, and demonstrates the real estate development in the lack of administrative supervision, as well as how to improve the housing obtained Real estate development in the administrative regulatory system.
Key words: Real estate development;Land system;Housing system;Conflicts of interest; Administrative supervision;Government functions