来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635489 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635489
摘 要:广告代言是对产品的展示和推荐,能够让消费者对产品的质量和服务有所了解,也是商家提高产品知名度的重要手段。但如今虚假广告充斥荧屏,涉嫌误导、欺诈消费者,造成了巨大损失和恶劣影响。我国相关法律对广告主即广告的发起者、广告经营者、广告发布者的法律责任有相关的规定。然而,现代营销模式下包含的第四类广告主体——广告代言人却被排斥于立法之外。本文介绍了虚假广告代言人承担法律责任的观点和法理依据,分析了我国现行立法中有关虚假广告代言人法律责任的规定和存在的问题,并提出了完善虚假广告代言人法律责任的建议。
Study on Legal Liabilities Assumed by False Advertisement Publishers
Abstract: 80 years of the 20th century from the first screen advertising board has always been accompanied by various types of advertising endorsers ebb and flow. Display of endorsers of the product and recommended to the consumers on the quality of products and services to understand, but also an important business tool to improve product awareness. But when the screen filled with false advertising, alleged misleading, consumer fraud, the participants will be involved in false advertising of legal responsibility. Our Law advertisements for advertisers or sponsors, advertising operators and advertisement publishers have the legal responsibility of the relevant provisions. However, the modern marketing mode, the main type of advertisements contained in the fourth - but was excluded from the legislation endorsers outside. As enhance product advertising and credibility of human nature an integral part of, this article is to discuss whether the false advertising endorser shall bear legal liability and how to bear legal responsibility.
Key words: False advertising; spokesperson; liability; subjective element; the Responsibility