来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635424 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635424
摘 要:爱情主题餐厅是基于成熟的市场环境和个性消费需求而产生的。它是经过文化嫁接的方式,以创造一个或多个文化主题为标志,并围绕主题来营造餐厅的环境氛围、提供特色饮食服务的场所。长沙地区的爱情主题餐饮业正处于蓬勃发展的阶段,主题餐饮在长沙的发展已经初具雏形,消费者对此的反应也很去热烈,本案列是一套爱情主题餐厅的设计说明,主要针对为已经或即将走进婚姻殿堂和还在恋爱中的消费人群,是以“经济”、“温馨”、“浪漫”为主的室内空间设计。设计中墙体所用的大体色调有白色和红色,整体的风格以现代融合古典为主,设计中会用到的主要元素有桃心等等,依据桃心变形来设计的LOGO和其他达到所需的视觉效果。在空间的处理手法上,将运用对比、韵律、留白等;以能体现主题的陈设物来烘托空间氛围。爱情主题概念以其逐渐完善的配套服务让人沉浸在浪漫的环境和美味里。
Changsha “City Inn—Changsha”
Abstract: Love theme restaurant is based on the mature market environment and the individual consumer demand generated. It is the result of cultural grafting way to create one or more cultural themes as a symbol, and around the theme of the restaurant environment to create atmosphere, food service establishments to provide features. Changsha theme of love is in the restaurant industry booming stage, the development of the theme restaurant in Changsha has begun to take shape, consumers are also to warm the reaction, the column is a case of love the design of theme restaurants shows that the overall very clear layout and functional classification, design generally used in wall color is white and red, the floor is used mainly quartzite and light-colored stone. Decorative materials used in gypsum board, wood trim panel, tempered glass, tan and brown glass, mirror, etc., used in the design of the main elements of hearts, according to peach heart deformation to achieve the desired effect. The furnishings are traditional elements used in window grilles, paper cutting and so on.
Key words: Changsha; Analysis; love theme restaurants; elements;

目 录
(一)国内外爱情主题餐厅现状分析………………………………………………… 2
(一)长沙爱情主题餐厅现状分析………………………………………………… 2
(一)“Yes,I do”主题餐厅整体定位……………………………………………… 3
(二)“Yes,I do”主题餐厅设计元素……………………………………………… 3
(三)“Yes,I do”主题餐厅功能分区………………………………………………3
(四)“Yes,I do”主题餐厅所用材料………………………………………………5
(五)“Yes,I do”主题餐厅室内空间色彩…………………………………………5
(六)“Yes,I do”主题餐厅室内陈设………………………………………………5
参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………………5