来源 资料编号:WK1635428 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635428
摘 要:AUGUGU 作为一个新新品牌,其独特的个性为品牌赋予了特有的气质,在品牌的形象整合上是一个独到的切入点,同时,AUGUGU所代表的就是年轻,活力,可爱,老少皆宜。涵盖性十分大。卡通形象也叫吉祥物。很多品牌都采用了卡通营销虚拟品牌代言人,它们大都给消费者留下了深刻的印象,成为品牌的标志,促进了品牌的认知度和认同感。从实践来看,品牌采用卡通形象主要还是在于促进销售产品,因此称为卡通营销。同时使顾客与品牌更亲近。
关键词:AUGUGU ;卡通形象 ;创意 ;营销 ;
Visual Identity System Of AUGUGU
Abstract: As a new brand,unique personality of AUGUGU endowed special temperament.The integration of the brand's image is an original entry point, while, AUGUGU is on behalf of youth, vigor, lovableness and suitable for all ages. Encompassment is also very large.
Cartoon image also called mascots. Many brands are adopted cartoon marketing virtual brand spokesperson for consumers, they left deep impression, become the symbol, promote the brand of brand recognition and identity.In practice, the brand image primarily by cartoons aimed to promote sales of products, so called cartoon marketing. It also makes the customers and the brand closer.
Key words: AUGUGU;Cartoon Images;Creative;Marketing;
