来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635430 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635430
摘 要:口腔卫生是衡量人群健康水平、文化水平和文明进步程度的一个标志。随着人们生活水平的提高和生活习惯的改变,人们不再是到了非看不可的时候才去看牙医,牙齿也正从“被治疗”逐渐变成了“被美容”[8]。城市的发展为儿童提供的物质条件也逐步完善,儿童的成长健康问题也备受关注,特别是牙齿的健康问题越来越引起家长们的重视。儿童需要提供专为他们设计的牙科治疗机构,让孩子们在生病的时候也会感到快乐的牙科治疗环境,从而在心理上减轻病痛感,使得小病人和焦虑的父母来到这里看病成为一种享受体验。
关键词: 室内设计;诊所环境设计;儿童牙科;环保自然;色彩运用
Beijng Smiling children's dental clinic
Abstract:Oral health is a measure of population health level, cultural level and degree of a sign of civilization and progress. With the improvement of living standards and lifestyle changes, people are no longer to have to see when it is going to the dentist, teeth are moving from "being treated" gradually became "is beauty." The development of urban children have gradually improved the material conditions, health problems of children growing concern, especially in dental health problems caused by parents more and more attention. Children need to provide for their dental treatment facilities designed to enable sick children will feel happy when the dental treatment environment to alleviate the pain in the psychological sense, the small patient and anxious parents come here to become a doctor enjoyable experience.
Key words:Interior design; clinic environment design; Pediatric Dentistry; environmental nature; use of color
