摘 要:“慢活”是近年来全球刮起的一种新生活形态的风潮,大家开始倡导慢食、慢工、慢动、慢疗、慢性等等“慢”观念,一改过去忙碌快速的脚步,放慢速度停下来思考自我人生的意义,也重新审视周遭生活的一切。而书吧正是人们放松自己时会去的地方。所以把“慢活”一词跟书吧相结合,也是在提倡一种生活理念。在装修设计方面“慢节奏”的颜色来装饰,让繁忙“快节奏”的都市人在书吧里能感觉的到“慢活”带来的舒适与惬意。对主题进行分析,把设计理念和空间相结合,包括,空间的风格、 布局、格调、颜色、材氛围等等。把自己的设计思想通过视觉传达的方式表达出来,并且贯穿于整个空间。认识到书吧的前景和发展目标,设计不光是面对眼前和现实,还要有持续发展的能力,才能让自己的设计被消费群体接受。
Changsha “Book slow movement” Interior design
Abstract: "Slow movement" is the global blowing in recent years a new life forms of agitation, everyone began to advocate slow food, ManGong, slow moving, slow cure, chronic, etc "slow" idea, change the past busy quick steps, slowed down paused to think self the meaning of life, also re-examine all of life around them. But books is something people relax when place. So the word "slow movement" combined with books, also be in advocate a life philosophy. In decorating a design "slow" color to decorate, let the busy "quick rhythm" in the book can urbanite feel to "slow movement" bring comfort and comfortable. To analyze the theme, combining design concept and space, including, space style, layout, style, color, material atmosphere, etc. His own design thought through the visual communication manner, and throughout the space. Realize the prospects and development goals book, design not only is facing eyes and reality, have the ability of the sustainable development of the design, can let oneself by consumer groups to accept.
Key words: Changsha; Slow movement;Books; Contracted wind

目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
一、选题背景分析 2
(一)国外现状分析 2
(二)国内现状分析 2
二、项目背景考察 3
(一)地理位置分析 3
(二)消费水平调查 3
三、设计表现过程 3
(一)平面布局 3
(二)设计风格定位 4
(三)材料的选择 5
(四)灯光的运用 6
四、结束语 6
参考文献 7
致谢 8