来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635442 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635442
摘 要: 情趣酒店是现代酒店产生后的新兴行业,现代人生活水平的提高使人们开始更多关注起生活品质的进一步提高, 将中国传统要素引入现代设计, 是情趣酒店设计的一大亮点。本案设计试图从中国元素入手,深入挖掘这种形式下的设计思想以及给人的感受,从整体上把握图案的形态与神韵,以便营造出一种舒适、优雅的暧昧氛围。传承中国元素,以体现文化的延续,而非符号、图案的简单堆砌。
" People at the beginning "Erotic Hotel Interior Space Design in Shanghai
Abstract: Appeal hotel is a modern hotel generated after the emerging industry, Modern the improvement of living standards make people started to pay more attention to the quality of life to further improve since Chinese traditional elements to introduce modern design, is the appeal of tom.Com hotel design. This case design tries to dig deeper into Chinese elements of this form of the design thought and the next to people's feeling, grasping patterns from the form and verve, in order to create a comfortable, elegant ambiguous atmosphere. Inheriting Chinese elements, in order to reflect the continuation of culture, rather than symbols, design of simple stack.
Key words: Chinese style; Interest; Romantic; Hotel; Interior Design
