来源 资料编号:WK1634982 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634982
摘 要:互联网技术在企业经营中的应用,创造了网络营销这一营销新方式,以及网络公关这一交往新形式。本文在网络公关兴起的背景下,从企业网络营销的发展需求着手,结合国内外学者相关概念的研究,在对网络公关的特点、功能和作用分析的基础上了解网络公关的比较优势和发展前景,通过对企业应用网络公关的理论与实践的借鉴提出现阶段网络公关发展的现状和存在的问题,并提出解决的策略。本文重点研究网络公关的策略,从而提升网络公关在企业的实际应用中营销整合等方面的应用技巧。
The Study on the Application of Online Public Relation in Enterprise's Net Marketing
Abstract:The use of Internet technology in enterprise operations creates a new marketing form—net marketing,and a new form of intercourse—online public relation.In the background of the rise of network PR and combined with the concepts of domestic and foreign scholars ,this article expounded the comparative advantages and development prospects of Network PR from the development needs of network marketing , which based on an analysis about the features, functions and role of the network. It Proposed the current situation and existing problems of the application of theory and practice in enterprises. This paper focuses on the strategy of network public relations ,in order to enhance the marketing techniques of the application in the enterprise integration.
Key words:online marketing;online public relation;strategy