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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1634983 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634983

摘  要:移动电子商务是电子商务现代化建设的核心问题和关键环节,也是当前新型电子商务发展的重点和难点。阐述了移动电子商务所能提供的服务包括银行业务、交易、订票、购物、娱乐等,分析了移动电子商务的现状;指出了移动电子商务的使用人群,解释了商家为什么大量涌入移动互联网领域和传统的电子商务企业为什么要转移到移动平台,说明了移动电子商务在应用程序上有哪些竞争优势。提出了移动电子商务所要面对的问题,传统商家的意识需要培养、种类繁多的手机操作系统这些都是移动电子商务向前发展的瓶颈。移动电子商务还存在大量安全威胁,比如无限网络通信方面、移动终端方面、软件病毒等,给出了一些具有建设性的解决这些问题的策略。最后分析了移动电子商务领域的未来发展趋势

Abstract: Modernization of mobile e-commerce e-commerce issues and key aspects of the core is the current focus of e-commerce development of new and difficult. Describes the services offered by mobile e-commerce, including banking, trading, ticketing, shopping, entertainment, analyzed the status of mobile e-commerce; that the use of mobile e-commerce crowd, explaining why the influx of mobile Internet businesses areas and why the traditional e-commerce businesses transferred to the mobile platform to illustrate the application of mobile commerce on which competitive advantage. Mobile e-commerce made to face the problem, the traditional business sense of need to develop, a wide variety of mobile operating systems which are the bottleneck of mobile e-commerce forward. There are a large number of mobile e-commerce security threats, such as wireless network communications, mobile terminal, software, virus, given some constructive strategies to address these issues. Finally the future of mobile e-commerce trends
Keywords: mobile commerce;3G; payment security
