来源 资料编号:WK1634996 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1634996
摘 要:网络营销作为一种全新的营销理念和时间活动,在营销领域的地位也逐步爬升,要在网络上获得良好的产品和企业营销效果,就应对网络营销手段和评价方法进行研究,以求对网络营销有更深入的认识,更好的开展网络营销。本文以尼康数码相机的网络营销为例,对网路营销的手段与评价方法及网络营销效果进行了说明。
关键词:网络营销 网络营销手段 评价方法
Research on Network Marketing Means and Evaluate Methods
Abstract:Network Marketing as a new marketing ideas and time to play, the position in the marketing field have gradually climbed, to get a good product on the network and corporate marketing effectiveness, to respond to online marketing research tools and evaluation methods, in order of Internet marketing has a better understanding, better to Network Marketing. This Nikon digital camera to online marketing, for example, the means of Internet marketing methods and evaluation of specific elaboration on the effect of network marketing has done a detailed description.
Key words:Network Marketing; Network Marketing Means; Evaluate Methods
