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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1635003 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635003

摘   要

【关键词】连锁便利店  电子商务 网络销售  物流  配送

Chain management is a retailing business operation with multipleadvantages in which a business group with uniform name and unifiedmanagement under the centralized control by the same owner performslarge-scale management, exerts advantages of groups, practiceslarge-scale operation, enhances economic efficiency, and conformsto the tendency of the world economic integration. In today’snetwork tide, the traditional retailing should have a constantinnovation, and E-commerce is also exploring a means of survivalsuitable to the present stage of development. The paper gives adetailed analysis on the significance convergence of chainconvenience stores and E-commerce from consumers, E-commerce andchain convenience stores, and describes the significance ofE-commercialization of chain convenience stores, and points outsome such shortcomings as  the high cost ofsmall-scale, low degree of information technology, poorinfrastructure, lack of qualified personnel, serious creditproblems, lack of cooperation with the E-commerce experience.According to the existent problems, we can solve the problemseffectively by reducing the e-commerce costs, establishing thescale of operation, training some professionals in theE-commerce.

[Key Words] Chain convenient stores,E-business, Internet selling, Logistics, Distribution


目  录  9000字
前言    2
1   连锁便利店和电子商务的现状与发展方向    2
1.1 连锁便利店的定义及特征    2
1.2 电子商务的定义及特征    3
1.3 电子商务连锁便利店的前景诱人    3
2  电子商务与连锁便利店的结合    4
2.1 连锁便利店与电子商务接轨的意义    4
2.2 电子商务技术在连锁店的应用    6
2.3 连锁便利店为电子商务创造条件    7
3  连锁便利店电子商务化目前存在的问题    9
3.1 规模小成本高    9
3.2 信息化程度低及基础设施落后    9
3.3 人才缺乏及信用问题严重    9
4  电子商务化问题的解决对策    10
4.1 降低电子商务成本    10
4.2 规模化经营    10
4.3培养电子商务专业人才    11
结语    11
参考文献    13
致  谢    14

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