来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1638135 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638135
摘 要
[关键词] 第三方支付 电子商务 支付平台
Electronic business contains the mutual transformation among information flow, capital flow and logistics flow. However, network payment as the middle link has become the key issue for both trade parties to perform electronic business, and it is also the bottleneck in the development of electronic business. The appearance of the third-party payment platform provides a solution to the payment issue.
Nowadays, the largest application of the third-party payment in China is in C2C electronic business. In this case, the article mainly analyzes the third-party payment pattern based on C2C electronic business. The article firstly introduces the payment patterns of electronic business, which include payment gateway,on-line bank, mobile payment and third-party payment. Then the article analyzes the third-party payment pattern based on C2C electronic business from three different perspectives, such as the function of the third-party platform, the relation with e-business website and its partners. Finally, the article puts forward some problems about the third-party payment pattern, and provides solutions to them.
[Key Words] The Third-Party Payment; Electronic Business; Payment Platform
目 录
1 引言 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 本文研究思路 3
1.4 本文创新及不足 3
2 电子商务的支付模式 4
2.1支付网关模式 4
2.2 网上银行模式 4
2.3 移动支付模式 4
2.4第三方支付模式 5
3 基于C2C电子商务的第三方支付模式 5
3.1 基于C2C的第三方支付模式概述 5
3.2 基于C2C的第三方支付交易流程 6
3.3 基于C2C的第三方支付模式的分类及分析 7
4 基于C2C电子商务的第三方支付模式存在的问题及对策 9
4.1 第三方支付市场的盈利问题及对策 9
4.2 第三方支付市场的安全问题及对策 10
4.3 第三方支付平台的信用监管问题及对策 11
4.4 第三方支付市场的竞争问题及对策 12
5 结束语 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15 |