来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1638323 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638323
摘 要
本文着重研究了在电子商务环境中汽车企业的客户关系管理存在的相关问题和解决方法等问题。首先,从电子商务环境中汽车企业的客户关系管理的优势谈起,简述电子商务环境中汽车企业的客户关系管理的现状;其次对电子商务环境中汽车企业的客户关系管理存在的问题进行分析,随后根据国内外电子商务环境中汽车企业客户关系管理的发展现状,提出了在电子商务环境中汽车企业客户关系管理(CRM)存在的问题的相应对策,并选择“一汽大众”案例分析其选取的mySAP CRM 软件来证实以客户服务为中心的原则;最后本文对未来电子商务环境中的汽车企业客户关系管理抱有美好的展望。
【关键词】电子商务 客户关系管理 汽车行业
With the rapid development of E-commerce,car industry customer relationship management is emerging and developing in such an environment. It has gradually become the links between automobile enterprises and customers, brought a comprehensive upgrade of auto enterprise profitability and competitiveness, and will bring about greater profits for the auto industry. It also will continue to provide more personalized service of the customers, and enhance customer loyalty.
This thesis mainly analyzes the correlative problems in CRM auto industry under E-commerce. Firstly, the paper introduces the advantages and status quo of CRM auto industry under E-commerce. Secondly, this thesis analyzes problems to solve the problems analyzed in the third parts in CRM auto industry under E-commerce; then according to the status quo of CRM auto industry under E-commerce, some solutions to the problems are presented. The paper illustrates “Client First, Service Most”- orientation system, and takes “FAW VOLKSWAGE” to illustrate my views with more details, and chooses mySAP CRM software. Finally; the paper holds that the development of CRM auto industry under E-commerce will have a promising future.
【Key Words】E-commerce; Customer Relationship Management (CRM);
Auto Industry
目 录
1.引言 2
1.1选题的背景及意义 2
1.2文献综述 2
1.3本文研究思路 3
1.4创新与不足之处 3
2.电子商务环境下汽车企业的客户关系管理分析 4
2.1客户关系管理的内涵 4
2.2在电子商务中汽车企业的客户关系管理的现状 4
2.3在电子商务中汽车企业实施客户关系管理的优势 6
3.电子商务环境下汽车企业客户关系管理中存在的问题 8
3.1缺乏以客户为中心的理念 8
3.2缺乏相应的管理体系 8
3.3缺乏必备的技术支持 8
3.4缺乏顾客互动 9
4.优化电子商务环境下汽车企业客户关系管理的对策分析 9
4.1建立客户服务中心 9
4.2引入客户关系管理系统 10
4.3选择合适的技术方案及软件 10
4.4提高客户满意度 11
5一汽大众案例分析 13
5.1以客户服务中心为主导 14
5.2选择mySAP CRM软件 14
6总结与展望 15
6.1总结 15
6.2展望 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17 |