主页 > 机械机电 > 机电一体 >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315630 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315630


At this stage, China has made great achievements in transportation, especially the development of electric locomotives. Electric locomotives are large transport vehicles, in the course of the operation of the inevitable trouble, in which part of the maintenance tasks need to maintain the staff boarded the top of the locomotive. But the power locomotive power source is with 25000V high voltage catenary, high voltage on the safety of the staff caused a certain threat. Therefore, it is necessary to design a set of high-voltage detection and grounding devices to protect the personal safety of staff.
This paper aims to design a set of catenary high pressure detection and locomotive grounding device. The paper introduces the whole device from the design of the overall system, the mechanical grounding device, the design of the high pressure detection system and the design of the control system. The role of the whole system is in the operator before boarding the roof, the contact with the network whether the high-voltage detection and forced to contact the ground, effectively avoid the occurrence of accident casualties. The whole structure is simple, easy to operate, is the electric locomotive maintenance personnel of the Gospel.
Key words: electric locomotive; grounding device; high pressure detection


第1章绪论    1
1.1 课题研究背景    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1 车顶高压报警器    1
1.2.2 铁路电力机车登顶作业安全监控装置    2
1.3 主要设计内容    2
1.3.1 接触网高压检测及机车接地装置的总体设计方案    2
1.3.2 安全报警装置的检测部分设计    2
1.3.3 机车接地装置机械部分设计    2
1.3.4 接触网高压检测及机车接地装置的控制部分设计    2
1.4 本章小结    3
第2章系统总体需求及方案设计    4
2.1总体需求分析    4
2.2系统总体方案    4
2.2.1检测系统设计    4
2.2.2接地装置设计    5
2.2.3控制部分设计    5
2.3本章小结    6
第3章机械接地装置设计    7
3.1 接地装置方案    7
3.1.1 方案一    7
3.1.2方案二    7
3.2接地方案选择    9
3.3接地设施    10
3.4本章小结    10
第4章高压检测系统设计    11
4.1接触网有无高压电的检测    11
4.1.1静电感应原理    11
4.1.2场效应管传感器    12
4.1.3霍尔电流传感器    13
4.1.4电光效应与高压检测    13
4.1.5方案选择    14
4.2信息的检测与处理    14
4.2.1电压比较器    14
4.2.2信号采集电路    15
4.2.3检测信号的处理    17
4.3本章小结    18
第5章控制系统设计    19
5.1 控制系统模块分析    19
5.2单片机控制模块分析    19
5.2.1概述    19
5.2.2 80C51单片机的封装与信号引脚    20
5.3 直流电机驱动模块    21
5.3.1接地装置电机选择    21
5.3.2驱动电路    21
5.4软件设计    24
5.4.1系统程序设计    24
5.4.2 人机操作系统    25
5.5 本章小结    26
第6章总结与展望    27
参考文献    28
致谢    29
附录一单片机系统控制源程序    30
附录二系统电路图    32
