(3)完成了工程装备修复量表面三维重构和修复量参数的算法设计,设计针对点云数据的趋势转折点提取算法,并基于Visual Studio 2017平台完成修复量参数提取软件开发,根据设计要求选择Delaunay三角剖分法作为三维重构算法,基于Halcon软件完成三维重构程序的开发。
During the regular maintenance of large-scale equipment, when the size of the equipment, the main support, etc., or the metal parts that cannot be disassembled are damaged or malfunction, due to their large size and inconvenient movement, emergency can only be carried out on site. For maintenance, the main maintenance method is achieved by welding or surfacing.
In this paper, a machine vision detection method is designed to design a repairing system for engineering equipment. The machine vision-based detection device provides the process parameters for the repair work. It has become the mainstream repair method today. It has the characteristics of high precision and high efficiency, and has strong flexibility. It is suitable for the detection of engineering equipment repair volume. The system adopts the line laser three-dimensional measurement technology, combined with the triangulation and trend point extraction method to extract the parameters and three-dimensional reconstruction of the repair quantity, which can provide a feasible solution for the engineering equipment repair quantity detection.
The main work of this thesis includes:
(1) Completed the overall scheme design for the engineering equipment repair quantity detection system, starting from the repair quantity structure characteristics, completing the overall process design of the test plan, and carrying out work from system calibration, image detection and data processing, including the repair of engineering equipment. The overall structural design of the inspection system, system flow design, experimental platform hardware selection, software design and modeling.
(2) Completed the calibration and image processing of the engineering equipment repair quantity detection system, and adopted the Halcon software platform to design the detection system calibration program and image processing program, and completed the development of the film cursor setting, camera calibration and motion attitude calibration program according to the design requirements. For the characteristics of line laser images, the development of image filtering and strip center extraction procedures is completed.
(3) The algorithm design of 3D reconstruction and repair parameters of engineering equipment repair surface is completed, the trend turning point extraction algorithm for point cloud data is designed, and the repair parameter extraction software development is completed based on Visual Studio 2017 platform, according to design requirements. Delaunay triangulation is used as a 3D reconstruction algorithm to
develop 3D reconstruction programs based on Halcon software.
(4) The experimental part of the engineering equipment repair quantity detection system was completed. The 3D inspection of the selected repair quantity model was carried out. The image processing software and 3D reconstruction were completed by using the image processing software based on Halcon design. The parameter extraction work was completed based on C++ parameter extraction software. By comparing the original model, the effectiveness of the detection system in this paper is verified.
Keywords: engineering equipment; maintenance support; surfacing; 3D reconstruction; line laser

目 录
第一章绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外焊接机器人机器视觉检测技术研究现状 2
1.2.1国内现状 2
1.2.2国外现状 2
1.3工程装备修复量结构特点与模型搭建 3
1.4课题研究基本内容 5
第二章工程装备修复量检测系统原理 7
2.1工程装备修复量检测扫描系统组成 7
2.2激光三角原理 8
2.3激光三角法对比选择 8
2.4修复量三维重构原理 10
2.5修复量参数提取算法 11
第三章工程装备修复量检测系统平台搭建 14
3.1工程装备修复量检测系统总体方案设计 14
3.2工程装备修复量检测系统整体结构设计 15
3.3工程装备修复量硬件平台设计及选型 16
3.3.1工业相机 16
3.3.2线激光器 17
3.3.3进给系统 18
3.4工程装备修复量检测装置建模 18
3.5工程装备修复量软件设计及选型 20
3.5.1Halcon软件 20
3.5.2基于Halcon图像处理程序设计 20
3.5.3 Visual Studio 2017 21
3.5.4基于C++程序修复量参数提取软件设计 21
第四章工程装备修复量检测系统标定 24
4.1工业相机标定 24
4.1.1相机各图像坐标系 24
4.1.2相机针孔成像原理 24
4.1.3相机各平面几何关系 26
4.2系统标定 29
4.2.1片光标定 29
4.2.2运动姿态标定 30
4.3基于Halcon检测系统标定过程及结果 30
4.3.1基于Halcon工业相机标定过程 30
4.3.2基于Halcon工业相机标定结果 31
4.3.3基于Halcon片光标定和运动姿态标定过程及结果 32
第五章工程装备修复量检测系统实验 35
5.1工程装备修复量检测系统扫描过程 35
5.2线激光图像处理 35
5.2.2线激光图像滤波 36
5.2.3线激光光条中心提取 37
5.3工程装备修复量三维重构 40
5.4工程装备修复量参数 41
第六章总结和展望 44
研究成果 45
参考文献 46
致谢 48