[关键词] 铣床, 数控, 改造, 三坐标
Three Coordinate NC Milling Machine Design
Basing on the common milling machine,this thesis reconstructs it and turns it to a NC milling with three coordinate.This reconstructed machine can realize cure line and straight line machining pathway by three axis linkage。
The reconstructed milling machine movements along x,y,and Z are drove by step driver,the AC motor is used in principal axis. All above motors are controlled by single chip.This thesis focuses on designing the mechanism of the and mastering the single chip working principle. Which is including to the drive system design of X,Y,Z workbench , the whole machine construction design and the control system design of single chip.
In a NC machine tool system, the precision and reliability of the machine tool depend on the serve system. Through the reconstructing ,analyzing and designing of a common milling machine serve system, the machining ability can be improved ,and a big sum money may be saved, the company will benefit from it.
[Keywords] Milling Machine, NC , Reconstruct, Three Coordinate
(1)Z轴的行程分别为 300、300、250mm;
(2)进给精度 0.01mm;
(3)X、Y、Z轴快速进给速度分别为 6、6、3m/min;
(4)工作台面尺寸 300x500mm;
(5)脉冲当量 0.01mm/步;
(6)重复定位精度 0.01mm.

中文摘要 1
英文摘要 2
目录 3
前言 1
第1章 概论 2
1.1 数控机床的产生及发展 2
1.2 数控机床的组成及分类 2
1.3 数控机床的特点及应用范围 4
第2章 设计主要参数及基本思想 5
2.1 课题要求 5
2.2 设计原则 5
2.3 总结构设计 5
第3章 立式数控铣床的设计和计算 8
3.1主传动系统的设计 8
3.2 主轴系统计算 11
3.3 进给伺服系统的设计 13
3.4 进给传动的计算 15
第4章 微机控制系统的设计 25
4.1 微机控制系统组成及特点 25
4.2 微机控制系统设备介绍 25
4.3 程序部分 29
致 谢 33
参考文献 34