BB肥料(Blending bulk fertilizer)根据作物需肥规律和土壤供肥特性进行配制,含氮、磷、钾三种元素,也可根据作物需要添加中、微量元素。 BB肥料具有如下优点,一是养分配比灵活科学合理,可以根据不同作物进行调配;二是价格便宜,同等养分的BB肥料比进口复合肥料便宜;三是配送方便。
本课题是为了制造BB肥生产提升设备。 主要由提升斗、提升系统、机架等组成。工作原理:将大颗粒尿素、钾肥、磷肥、填充料等按配方要求比例计算后,分别投入斗式提升机料斗,料斗经由钢丝绳牵引沿着轨道上升,提升到一定高度碰到行程开关,斗门打开,肥料卸下,料斗空载回起点。
关键词: 提升机 导轨 钢丝绳
Producing 4-5 tons of BB fertilizer production equipment to upgrade System
Abstract: The role of fertilizer for the crops is very important, as the shrinking arable land, grain production is especially important. Therefore, fertilizer production is very important.
BB fertilizer (Blending bulk fertilizer) under the laws of crop fertilizer and soil characteristics for the preparation of fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are three elements can be added according to crop needs, the trace elements. BB fertilizer has the following advantages, first, nutrients and flexible scientific and rational allocation according to different crops; second is cheap, the same nutrients of BB fertilizer compound fertilizer cheaper than imports; third, to facilitate distribution.
Hoist by changing the potential energy for the transport of machinery and equipment. Hoist is a widely used vertical transportation equipment, widely used in building materials, electric power, metallurgy, machinery, chemicals, light industry, metals, food and other industries. Meet the different users on elevator performance requirements.
The issue is to create BB Fertilizer Production Hoisting Equipment. Mainly by enhancing the Big Dipper, hoisting system, a framework. Works: The large granular urea, potash, phosphate, fillers and other requirements according to the ratio calculation formulas were put bucket elevator hopper, the hopper through the wire rope traction along the track up to a certain height to enhance hit limit switch, open The door , fertilizer unloading, hopper back to the starting point empty.
Keywords: BB fertilizer Hoist Guide Track Wire Rope
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