来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1633685 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1633685
摘 要
关键词:单片机; 温湿度检测; 硬件系统; 软件系统
The temperature and hunidity testing which is widely used in industry, agriculture, national defense and so on.Especially for grain storage in the storage of grain has its significance .The temperature and hunidity which is widely used because that the system which uses microcontroller technology is volume small and reliability. This article has carried on the analysis design to the humidity examination system. First, the application and development condition of the temperature and hunidity technology is made a simple introduction. And then, the temperature and hunidity of commonly used method which has enumerated the characteristic as well as each one .The point of the article is the design of the hardware and software. In the process of hardware designing, the function and the characteristic of each part of electric circuits which has made a simple introduction in detail. Meanwhile, the temperature and hunidity sensor SHT11 and AT89C51 have been made the simple introduction. In the process of software designing, I have drawn up each program module flow chart, and introduced each module function in detail. Then to the procedure repeatedly revision, it has been consummated the software system. Finally, I has completed the over all system designing. This system have the characteristic of sensitivity high and the reflection time is short, and so on .It has the intellectualization, and programmable and small, then takes along short, and so on. It believed that this system has the widespread application .
Keywords: MCU; temperature and hunidity; software system; hardware system

目 录 24000字
摘 要 II
第1章 绪论 1
第1.1 节 引言 1
第1.2节 温湿度测量系统的简介及其发展 1
第1.3节 应用前景 2
第2章温湿度测量仪器的原理 4
第2.1节 机构的应用说明 4
第2.2节 总体结构 7
第3章工作台设计 9
第3.1节 工作台总体结构 9
第3.2节 导轨的设计 11
第3.2.1节 导轨的选型 12
第3.2.2节 工作台重量估算 12
第3.3节 滚珠丝杠的设计选型 14
第3.4节 传动轴的设计计算 15
第3.5节 器皿的设计 19
第3.5.1节 器皿主体材料选型 20
第3.5.2节 电阻丝的选择 21
第3.5.3节 器皿的内部结构 23
第3.6节 导热材料的选择 23
第4章步进电机 24
第4.1节 步进电机的设计选型 25
第4.1.1节 计算加在步进电动机转轴上的总转动惯量 27
第4.1.2节 计算加在步进电动机转轴上的等效负载转矩Teq 27
第4.1.3节 步进电动机最大静转矩的选定 29
第4.2节 步进电动机的性能校核 30
第4.3节 使用的注意事项 31
第4.4节 联轴器的选用 32
第4.5节 选型及使用注意事项 33
第5章 电路部分 34
第5.1节 总体模块外观设计 34
第5.2节 设计思想及原理 35
第6章 电路及其元器件说明 37
第6.1节 电路系统 37
第6.2节 单片机 37
第6.3节 传感器 42
第6.4节 传感器选型的注意事项 47
第6.5节 L297,L298 49
第7章 结论与展望 54
第7.1节 结论 54
第7.2节 不足之处及未来展望 54
参考文献 55
致 谢 57
附录A:程序 58
附录B:外文翻译 68