关键词 废旧龙门刨床改造 数控龙门铣床 主轴箱 CNC
NC gantry milling machine is a kind of modern machine and often used to machine large workpiece. It can machine workpiece by multi-process procedure under workpiece being in each set up, to boost productivity triplication to quadruple, can make workpiece with high machining accuracy and surface quality. So it has many uses in civilian industry and defense industry such as in ship building, spacecraft, mould, precision instrument etc. It is the key equipment which department needs urgently.
The object of study of the subject is in order to replace an old double-housing planer to CNC gantry milling machine. Basis on analysising the characteristics of old double-housing planer, carry out the transformation of the planer through using of the modern design means. Starting from the development status of the existing CNC milling machine and the sophisticated theoretical foundation, have the metal-cutting machine tools analysised the force and the deformation vibration, Master the forces of the Machine, provide basic date for the design and selection of added
CNC components.
The CNC gantry milling machine is used the Mach2 software to develop the common CNC platform; to retain the bed of the original planer, the gantry and the beam, driven by single-X-axis, the rapid increase, motor directly connected to screw, triaxial linkage as the design program. That is, can ensures low-cost, the processing precision and processing speed requirements.
The mechanical structure design, including decision and choice of the driving program, the design of spindle box, choice of screw rolling, calculation and choice of the rolling guide, the choice of servo motor, choice of coupling, and so on. The machine tools is used a MACH2 as CNC system platform, the system installed on your computer, through the parallel port connected the stepper motor drive, so as to achieve the local processing of On-line processing functions.
Keywords Transformation of Used the double-housing planer;CNC Gantry Milling Machine ; Spindle box ; CNC
序号 项 目 技术参数
1 工作台面积 800x2000 mm
2 工作台载重量 3000 kg
3 X轴行程 2500 mm
4 Y轴行程 1500 mm
5 Z轴行程 800 mm
6 主轴工作转速 90~2000 rpm
7 主轴孔锥度/直径 BT50/Φ40~Φ80 mm
8 主轴鼻端至工作台距离 0~800 mm
9 主轴电机功率 7.5 kw
10 X、Y、Z电机联接方式 直联
11 横梁提升电机联接方式 通过带传动和蜗轮蜗杆传动联接
12 数控系统 MACH2软件及相关自制的控制电路
13 定位精度 0.1 mm
14 重复定位精度 0.08 mm
15 快速进给速度:2m/min
驱动电机最大转速:2000 r/min
进给速度:1.5 m/min
