主页 > 机械机电 > PLC >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16310454 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16310454

摘    要

关键词:步进顺控图  特点  低功耗  经济

At first, the paper introduces the conception of the industrial robot and the eler.  dary information of the development briefly . What’s more, the paper accounts for the background and the primary mission of the topic.The paper introduces the function, composing and classification of the manipulator , tells out the free-degree and the form of coordinate .
At the same time, the paper gives out the primary specification parameter of this manipulator,The paper designs the structure of the hand and the equipment of the drive of the manipulator .This paper designs the structure of  the wrist , computes the needed moment of the drive when the wrist wheels and the moment of the drive of the pump.The paper designs the structure of the PLC controller.
The paper designs the PLC system of air pressure drive and draws the work principle chart , the manipulator uses PLC to control . The paper institutes two control schemes of PLC according to the work flow of the manipulator . The paper draws out the work time sequence chart and the trapezia chart . What’s more , the paper workout the control program of the PLC .

Keywords:sewingmachine, assembly,part modeling,PLC


4.1.1 PLC的选型


目  录
摘   要    I
目  录    II
1 绪   论    1
   1.1 本课题研究的目的、意义    1
   1.2 工业洗衣机的发展现状及应用    2
   1.3 应用PLC控制系统的优点    3
2 工业洗衣机的结构及工作原理    6
   2.1 工业洗衣机的洗涤原理    7
   2.2 工业洗衣机的组成结构    8
3 PLC控制系统简介    10   
   3.1 PLC的控制过程    11
   3.2 变频器的控制方式及分类    11
   3.3 变频器的选型    11
4 基于PLC的工业洗衣机控制系统硬件的设计    11   
   4.1 器件的选型    12
      4.1.1 PLC的选型    12
      4.1.2 电动机的选型    12
      4.1.3 其他元器件的选型    13
    4.2 主电路及控制电路设计    14
      4.2.1 主电路的设计    14
      4.2.2 控制电路的设计    15
      4.2.3 I/O分配表的设计    15
 5 基于PLC的工业洗衣机控制系统软件的设计    16
    5.1 梯形图的设计    16
    5.2 系统工作流程图的设计    17
结   论    18
致   谢    19
参考文献    20
