主页 > 机械机电 > PLC >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315660 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315660


Fully equipped with the background of now is in the 21st century, powder industry has become one of the most important basic industry of powder in our daily life and industrial and agricultural production is applied more and more widely, such as flour, plastic, cement, paper, ceramics, rubber, medicine and so on, powder particle size measurement of powder production and research is an important auxiliary means. In our country in the test instrument of research and development and application has been made very much work, which is the technology further takeoff development laid a great foundation. Because of China's scientific and technical personnel with good technical quality and relatively low labor costs, in the international market, China's ability to The settlement instrument is one of the important modern particle size instrument which is capable of producing the instrument.
In this paper, we mainly study the problem is settlement gauge camera lifting platform of PLC control system design based on, is in my school (Wuhan University of Technology) development settlement instrument project as the background, designed for settlement instrument project. Its purpose is according to the settlement gauge of photograph elevating platform requirements, design the PLC control program. According to the settlement settlement instrument of classification model for the process design to S7-200 as the main control structure and hardware circuit, write and debug PLC program, completion settlement gauge PTZ camera initialization, PTZ camera lifting control function and control function.
Key words:Particle size measurement; sedimentation instrument; S7-200; step motor

目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 课题提出的背景与意义    1
1.2 国内外沉降仪的发展与现状    2
1.3 本文研究的主要内容和课题来源    3
第2章 沉降仪结构与原理分析    4
2.1 沉降仪工作原理    4
2.2 沉降仪工艺流程分析    4
2.3本章小结    6
第3章 沉降仪摄像升降平台结构设计及硬件实现    7
3.1 摄像升降平台系统的总体方案    7
3.2 系统主控制器的选型    7
3.3 摄像升降平台的控制设计    9
3.3.1 步进电机的选择    10
3.3.2 步进电机驱动接口电路设计    10
3.4 本章小结    14
第4章 摄像升降平台的PLC控制设计    15
4.1 摄像升降平台启动初始化    19
4.2 摄像平台升降控制    22
4.3 摄像升降平台点动控制    22
4.4本章小结    23
第5章 摄像升降平台的控制实现    24
5.1 硬件控制的实现    24
5.2 软件控制的实现    24
5.3本章小结    27
第6章 总结    28
参考文献    29
致谢    30
