主页 > 机械机电 > PLC >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315664 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315664


In today's society., the automatic identification and sorting system of goods has been applied to various fields including transportation, commercial, post and telecommunications, warehousing, engineering, industrial process control and military facilities. In the people to bring a lot of convenience while also reducing the labor intensity of the staff, reducing the number of labor use. Now living in the identification system is the most used to develop more mature bar code recognition technology. Configuration is the use of application software to provide the tools and methods to complete a specific task in the process. Configuration software is the data monitoring and acquisition system SCANDA software platform tool, is an industrial application software. It can be issued by the computer work signal on the automation equipment or automation process monitoring and management, with the control system and configuration software development, configuration software from the beginning of a single man-machine interface becomes more and more, the data More and more processing capacity, in the automated sorting system integration in the use of more and more widely, has an important position. PLC as an industrial controller, with not only very convenient to use, the program is simple to write, and powerful, cost-effective, widely used in industrial control. Because of its relatively complete hardware support, the user is very convenient to use, the environment adaptability, high reliability, anti-interference ability and other advantages make it more popular.
  This design uses PLC and general bar code reader and configuration software to form the automatic identification and sorting system, by giving the system hardware structure design, software design and system configuration process, the user can according to their own needs real-time Production line control and debugging, to achieve data monitoring and management, to meet the needs of modern production.
Keywords: automatic identification, automatic sorting, PLC, bar code reader, Kingview software

摘要    1
Abstract    II
第1章 绪论    1
1.1引言    1
1.2国内外研究现状综述    1
1.3 研究内容    1
第2章 系统设计    3
2.1货物自动识别系统简介    3
2.1.1系统简介    3
2.1.2系统技术要求    3
2.2系统的构成与要求    3
2.3系统运行的选择    5
2.3.1运行方式    5
2.3.2故障报警    5
第3章 PLC的选择与设计    6
3.1 PLC的系统设计    6
3.1.1 PLC的设计原则    6
3.1.2PLC控制系统的硬件设计    7
3.2系统硬件的选型    8
3.2.1系统的要求    8
3.2.2系统的硬件连接    9
3.3软件设计    10
3.3.1整体设计    10
3.3.2其他处理子程序    10
第4章 识别技术的选型与设计    13
4.1识别技术的选择    13
4.2识别系统的设计    13
4.2.1条形码的选择及应用    13
4.2.2条码阅读器的选型和应用    15
4.3通信设计    16
第5章 上位机软件设计    18
5.1监控系统开发的目的    18
5.2监控系统开发手段    18
5.3组态王介绍    19
5.4监控系统的功能模块    20
5.4.1参数设置模块    20
5.4.2数据词典设置模块    20
5.4.3页面设置模块    21
5.4.4权限设置    22
第6章 结论    23
参考文献    24
致谢    25
附录    26
附录A 系统硬件连    26
附录B  PLC控制程序    27
附录C 组态王脚本程序    32
