主页 > 机械机电 > PLC >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315665 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315665


With the rapid development of science and technology and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, people on the power quality requirements are getting higher and higher. The increase of the complexity of the grid also increases the use of inductive components in the grid, resulting in a large number of harmonics, and a series of harmonic filters have also come out. Compared with the traditional filter device, a harmonic filter energy-saving device based on variable reactor is designed in this thesis. The main tasks are as follows:
Firstly, the design of principle of PLC control system for harmonic filtering energy saving device was finished. Through the improvement of the traditional harmonic filter device,the topological structure of harmonic filtering energy saving device PLC control system is designed, then, the design of the main circuit and the operation circuit is completed, thus, the design scheme of harmonic filter energy-saving device PLC control system is completed.
Secondly, the design of PLC control system hardware for harmonic filtering energy saving device was finished. The design of PLC input / output channel, PLC communication interface, pulse trigger circuit, power parameter acquisition circuit and control system power supply circuit are mainly completed.
Thirdly, the design of PLC control system software for harmonic filtering energy saving device was finished. The main program and a series of subroutine design of PLC was mainly completed.
The main purpose of this subject is to develop a harmonic filter energy-saving device, which can filter the harmonic in the power grid, and play a role in harmonic control.
Key words: harmonic filter energy saving device; PLC; variable react

第1章绪论    1
1.1 课题研究的意义及背景    1
1.2 相关技术国内外研究现状    1
1.3 本文的主要研究内容    2
第2章谐波滤波节能装置PLC控制系统的总体方案设计    4
2.1 谐波滤波节能装置PLC控制系统的拓扑结构    4
2.2 谐波滤波节能装置PLC控制系统的设计要求    4
2.3 谐波滤波节能装置PLC控制系统的主电路及操作回路设计    5
2.3.1 主电路设计    5
2.3.2 操作回路设计    6
2.4 谐波滤波节能装置PLC控制系统方案设计    7
2.5 本章小结    8
第3章谐波滤波节能装置PLC控制系统的硬件设计    9
3.1 PLC输入/输出通道设计    9
3.1.1 PLC的开关量输入通道设计    9
3.1.2 PLC的开关量输出电路设计    9
3.1.3 PLC的模拟量输出通道设计    10
3.2 PLC通信接口设计    10
3.3 脉冲触发电路设计    11
3.4 电量参数采集电路设计    11
3.5 控制系统电源电路设计    13
3.6 本章小结    13
第4章谐波滤波节能装置PLC控制系统的软件设计    14
4.1 PLC程序功能模块设计    14
4.2 PLC主程序设计    14
4.3 PLC子程序设计    16
4.3.1 初始化子程序设计    16
4.3.2 数据采集子程序设计    17
4.3.3 显示子程序设计    17
4.3.4 电抗器调节子程序设计    18
4.3.5 故障与报警子程序设计    19
4.4 本章小结    20
第5章总结    21
参考文献    22
致谢    24
