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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315676 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315676

(1)    各模块功能的分配与拟定。
(2)    气动系统设计。
(3)    基于PLC的控制系统分析与设计。
(4)    系统的调试与分析。
In recent years, with the advancement of automation technology and the upgrading of production methods, the production models of various industries have rapidly changed from low-efficiency, high-cost manual production models to high-efficiency, low-cost automated production line models, in which the MPS-based modular production line has been rapidly developed. .
The main function of the modular automatic production line designed this time is to drill three different workpieces, classify and store the workpieces according to the corresponding workpiece information, and divert the unqualified workpieces to the waste storage area. This system mainly includes five modules: feeding unit, inspection unit, processing unit, handling unit and sorting unit. Each unit can be used for production operations alone or in multi-system cooperation. It mainly uses pneumatic components as actuators and PLC as the main control unit.
The main tasks of this design are as follows:
(1) Distribution and formulation of functions of each module.
(2) Pneumatic system design.
(3) PLC-based control system design.
(4) System debugging and analysis.
This design adopts the control concept of decentralized control and centralized management. It uses separate programmable controllers for independent control of each module and centralized network management through the Modbus communication protocol. In this paper, the pneumatic system, sensor system, control flow and program preparation are discussed in detail and simulations are performed to ensure accuracy. Finally, the orderly operation among various agencies, the coordinated operation of each module, and the control requirements of the fully automated operation of the entire system are achieved.

Keywords:Modular Automatic Production Line (MPS); Pneumatic Control; PLC Control; Communication; Configuration.


目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章绪论    1
1.1国内外自动化生产线发展现状    1
1.1.1国内自动化生产线发展现状    1
1.1.2国外自动化生产线发展现状    3
1.1.3 PLC的应用及目前的发展现状    3
1.2自动化生产线技术研究意义    4
1.3课题设计的内容及方法    4
1.3.1设计内容与目标    4
1.3.2设计方法    5
1.4本章小结    5
第2章各模块工序设计    6
2.1自动化生产线系统的组成    6
2.2各单元功能    6
2.2.1上料模块功能分析    7
2.2.2检测模块功能分析    9
2.2.3加工模块功能分析    10
2.2.4搬运模块功能分析    11
2.2.5分拣模块功能分析    13
2.3控制系统功能设计    14
2.4本章小结    14
第3章气动控制系统的设计    15
3.1气动控制设计思路    15
3.2电气控制系统    15
3.2.1控制方式选择    15
3.2.2plc的选型    16
3.3气动控制回路设计    17
3.3.1基本回路设计    17
3.3.2上料单元气动回路设计    19
3.3.3检测单元气动回路设计    20
3.3.4加工单元气动回路设计    22
3.3.5搬运单元气动回路设计    23
3.3.6分拣单元气动回路设计    24
3.4气动控制回路元件清单    25
3.5本章小结    25
第4章自动生产线plc控制系统设计    27
4.1主要电气元器件    27
4.2电气控制回路设计    28
4.2.1主要功能模块    28
4.3各单元plc控制系统设计    30
4.3.1上料单元的plc控制系统设计    30
4. 3.2检测单元的plc控制系统设计    34
4.3.3加工单元的plc控制系统设计    40
4.3.4搬运单元的plc控制系统设计    44
4.3.5分拣单元的plc控制系统设计    49
4.4PLC梯形图程序的调试    52
4.5电气元件选型明细表    53
4.5本章小结    53
第5章通讯及触摸屏组态    54
5.1 plc-plc通讯    54
5.2人机交互界面    57
5.2.1组态王简介    57
5.3本章小结    59
第6章经济性与环保性分析    60
6.1经济性分析    60
6.2环保性分析    60
第7章结论    61
参考文献    62
致谢    63
