主页 > 机械机电 > PLC >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315694 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315694

摘  要

关键词:金相切割加工专机, 联轴器,滚珠丝杠 
The metallographic sample cutting machine is to use the high speed rotating thin plate grinding wheel to intercept the metallographic specimen. Because the machine is equipped with cooling equipment, used to take away the heat that occurs when the incision, so as to avoid the specimen in case of heat and change the metallographic arrangement.
This plan is the planning of the cutting process of gold tangent. Here mainly includes: practice transmission system planning, planning the clamping parts system planning, cut open spindle system parts of graduation planning basic skills for planning work, improve the ability to analyze and solve engineering problems, and are usually mechanical planning invention must condition.
The motor through the coupling with the blade according to the table structure, mainly by motor power through the coupling will demand power transfer to the wire rod, screw femoral screw nut, and the femoral artery, improve labor productivity and automation level of production. It shows its superiority, and has broad prospects for development.

Keywords: high-precision cutting plane, couplings, ball


目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
1 绪论    1
1.1金相切割加工专机的研究现状    1
1.2金相切割加工专机发展趋势    2
1.3本课题研究的内容及方法    4
1.3.1主要的研究内容和研究意义    4
2 金相切割加工专机总体结构设计    5
2.1设计的要求与数据    5
2.2 锯刀片选型    5
2.3 整机工作原理图    6
3  金相试样切割X方向进给传动设计    7
3.1 X向滚珠丝杆副的选择    7
3.1.1导程确定    7
3.1.2确定丝杆的等效转速    7
3.1.3估计工作台质量及负重    7
3.1.4确定丝杆的等效负载    8
3.1.5确定丝杆所受的最大动载荷    8
3.1.6精度的选择    9
3.1.7选择滚珠丝杆型号    9
3.2校核    9
3.2.1 临界压缩负荷验证    9
3.2.2临界转速验证    10
3.2.3丝杆拉压振动与扭转振动的固有频率    11
3.3电机的选择    12
3.3.1电机轴的转动惯量    12
3.3.2电机扭矩计算    13
4  金相试样切割Y方向进给传动设计    15
4.1 Y轴滚动导轨副的计算、选择    15
4.2 滚珠丝杠计算、选择    16
4.3 步进电机惯性负载的计算    19
4 控制系统设计    22
4.1 PLC模块    22
4.1.1 PLC介绍    22
4.1.3 PLC的I/O端子分配    23
5 控制程序设计    25
5.1切割系统程序流程图    25
5.2软件介绍    26
 5.2.1编程软件    26
 5.2.2仿真软件    26
5.3模拟量转换程序    27
5.3.1读写指令    27
5.3.2 模块初始化BFM单元    28
5.3.3 本课题的读取A/D程序    28
5.4 PID运算程序    29
5.4.1 PID运算指令    29
5.4.2 PID控制逻辑    30
5.4.3 本课题PID控制程序    30
5.5手动点动程序    31
5.6自动运行程序    32
结论    34
参考文献    35
致 谢    36
