主页 > 机械机电 > PLC >


来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315696 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315696

摘 要

关键词:转塔车床;液压缸 参数;优化设计

In this paper according to the present most type on the market the present situation of the capstan lathe, the dynamic development and the direction of development, and its important role in the modern industrial production, using the basic theory of hydraulic components, hydraulic system about the structure of the main key box on the principle analysis and optimization. According to the design of the hydraulic system of the practical need of turret lathe, the lathe hydraulic system research, and the structure components in the hydraulic system and the structure of the hydraulic control system, the optimization design. Introduces a mounted on a three jaw chuck oscillating hydraulic cylinder and flat screw mechanism of institution of spiral swing hydraulic cylinder structure. As well as the determination of main design steps and parameters.

Key words:  capstan lathe; hydraulic cylinder; parameter optimal design


目 录
第一章 概论    1
1.1 液压技术的历史发展    1
1.3研究的对象和研究的方法    2
第二章 液压系统的组成    3
2.1液压系统组件的设计步骤    3
2.2技术参数的确定    3
2.3主传动系统方案的确定    6
2.4液压系统结构设计    7
2.5拟定液压传动系统图    8
第三章 液压缸的设计    10
3.1液压缸的分类    10
3.1.1 液压缸的设计和计算    10
3.2 缸体    11
3.3 工作状况分析    11
3.4 液压缸的计算    19
3.5 液压泵的计算     20
3.6液压阀参数的选择     25
3.7辅助元件的选择和计算    25
第四章 PLC控制    27
4.1梯形图程序设计    27
4.2 电气系统图、程序及PLC外部接线图    27
4.2.1 控制线路分析    27
4.2.2 主电路及接线图分析    29
4.3 程序分析及设计    32
第五章 结论    33
致 谢    35
