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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315786 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315786

摘  要
关键词:工业三废  PLC  工艺流程

Design and implementation of PLC automatic control system for industrial organic three wastes
 The current industrial wastewater, waste gas, and waste liquids have caused tremendous damage to the surrounding soil and the river's ecological environment. Increasing the level of industrial pollution control has become an urgent task.  high-salt wastewater treatment lacks technical reliability and economic feasibility, and the requirements for the treatment of volatile organic waste gases (VOCs) are more pressing. VOCs are harmful gases that seriously affect human health when people breathe, enter the body and cause harm to the body.  Therefore, it is of great significance to study industrial waste organic processing systems.
In this article, the basic treatment processes of  waste liquid were know, the most economical, most feasible, and most reliable treatment process is selected, and the two are connected through the control of the programmable control system and the animation demonstration of the MCGS configuration software. Design of industrial organic waste treatment control system.  First, according to the basic processing technology for the design of the electrical control system, draw the cabinet map, electrical control cabinet diagram.  In the PLC selection and address allocation and program design, and then draw the MCGS configuration system based on the process flow and process requirements, including the MCGS configuration software introduction, process flow interface, flow real-time curve, alarm interface settings, operation Interface settings.  Process monitoring and operation can be realized.
Keywords: industrial waste, PLC, process flow 


第一章 绪论    1
1.1工业有机三废处理背景    1
1.2 研究目的及意义    2
1.3课题主要设计内容    2
第二章 工业有机三废处理工艺    4
2.1工业有机三废处理基本概念    4
2.1.1工业有机废水废液基本概念    4
2.1.2工业有机废气基本概念    5
2.2常用的工业三废处理工艺    6
2.2.1常用的工业废水废液处理工艺    6
2.2.2常用的工业废气处理工艺    6
2.3本系统工业三废处理工艺及描述    7
第三章 电气控制系统设计    9
3.1电气主回路原理图    9
3.2电气回路控制原理图    12
3.3 接线端子图    14
3.4电气元器件图    15
3.5电气柜面图    18
第四章 可编程控制系统设计    20
4.1可编程控制器PLC的基本概念    20
4.1.1 可编程控制器的特点及应用领域    20
4.1.2 PLC的分类    21
4.1.3 可编程控制器的硬件结构基础    22
4.2 PLC的应用    23
4.2.1 PLC的选型    23
4.2.2PLC的I/O地址配置    23
4.3 PLC程序设计    25
4.3.1 主程序    25
4.3.2 温度数据采集    25
4.3.3  TICA温度控制子程序    28
第五章 组态系统设计    32
5.1  MCGS组态软件的主要特点及功能    32
5.2 工业有机三废处理系统的组态设计    33
5.2.1工艺流程界面    33
5.2.2 实时数据库    34
5.2.3 操作界面    35
5.2.4 流量曲线界面    36
5.2.5报警界面设置    38
第六章 调试和运行结果    39
第七章 总结与展望    41
7.1 论文总结    41
7.2 前景展望    41
参考文献    42
致  谢    44
