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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315793 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315793

摘  要
水电站橡胶坝主要用于渠系上作为进水闸、分水闸、节制闸,能够方便地 蓄水和调节水位和流量;用于沿海岸作防浪堤或挡潮闸,由于不受海水浸蚀和海生生物的影 响,比金属闸门效果好;用于城区园林工程,采用彩色坝袋,造型优美,线条流畅,可为城市建设 增添一道优美的风景。


Rubber Dam Hydropower as a canal system is mainly used for intake, sub-gate, sluice, water storage and the ability to easily adjust the water level and flow; Used as a breakwater along the coast or tidal gates, due to erosion from water and marine organisms, better than the effect of the metal gate;
For the urban garden project, using color bar bags, sleek, flowing lines, can add a beautiful urban landscape construction.This article describes the type of PLC with S7-200 controller as a system,
Rubber Dam for hydropower to achieve automatic control system, Kingview PLC control system for human-machine interface configuration software,
The software platform designed and developed the control system of rubber dam in the dynamic monitoring of the configuration screen, Computer equipment to monitor the health of the whole system,while the parameter settings and commands to control other function

Keywords:Rubber Dam;Kingview;PLC;Monitoring System

目  录
第一章  引言    1
1.1本课题的研究意义及背景    1
1.2可编程逻辑控制器的发展历史    2
1.3组态王6.53的简介    2
1.4本设计的主要内容    3
第二章  橡胶坝监控系统简介    4
2.1系统的工作原理    4
2.2设计方案的确定    5
第三章  硬件系统的设计    7
3.1硬件的选型    7
3.2传感器的类型    7
3.3 I/O接线图    9
第四章  软件系统的设计    10
4.1程序的流程图    10
4.2顺序功能图    11
4.3  I/O分配表和程序    11
第五章   PLC和组态王通信的实现方式    12
5.1  S7-200系列PLC的网络通信协议    12
5.1.1  S7-200 PLC    12
5.1.2  S7-200 PLC 系统的组成    12
5.1.3   PLC的工作过程    13
5.2顺序功能图法    14
5.3组态软件与PLC的通信设置    14
5.4 EM235模块的介绍    18
第六章  现场状态监控界面的实现    20
6.1橡胶坝控制系统监控界面    20
6.2变量和数据的定义    23
6.3水电站橡胶坝系统监控    24
结束语    27
参考文献    28
附录A    29
