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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315802 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315802

摘  要

关键词:生物制药污水处理  自动控制  远程监控  PLC

The analysis and application of PLC for sewage treatment process control system
With the rapid development of economy, water pollution is becoming more and more serious, which the safety of people's daily living water has been unable to be guaranteed in some areas. And in some degree, it restricts the sustainable development of the local economy. Therefore, it is particularly important to ensure the sewage treatment system long-term normal, stable work. Designing a suitable system,which has function of automatic control, fault detection and diagnosis also has a very reusable significance. The practical application of the sewage process engineering was limited for the complicated industrial environment, numerous monitor spots, great difficulties of sewage process and high cost. In this paper an automatic control system is designed based on PC plus PLC, which realized the real time monitor and automatic control of the process and solved the problem of process difficulties and high cost. The main contents of this academic paper are as follows:
1. The automatic control system is designed and achieved. This system
is controlled by PC, and WINCC is used to configuration and modular programming, such as controlling process, monitoring curve shows, parameter adjustment, saving history data, alarm information management and print. Remote monitoring system is developed with configuration software of Siemens, named WINCC; Remote monitoring system communicates with the PLC by using Ethernet, which realizes real-time monitoring of process and other management functions.
   2. The electrical control part is designed and achieved. On the based of biopharmaceutical wastewater treatment’s process and control requirements, the general framework of control system is conducted, which the power distribution system and process equipment are designed. Finally the electrical control components, instrumentations and process equipments are compared and selected.

Keywords: biopharmaceutical wastewater treatment; automatic control; remote monitor; PLC

本控制系统主要由工业控制计算机、西门子   主站、工艺电控设备、检测仪表构成,进行电气控制设计,基于 编程软件编写控制程序,西门子 组态软件远程监控系统,监控系统与 采用以太网通信,实现数据实时交互。设计异常工况紧急停车回路。本文主要内容如下:
第一章 介绍了课题研究背景与意义,分析了国内外污水处理领域自动控制技术的应用现状与发展趋势。
第二章 叙述了生物制药污水处理工艺流程,阐明了装置主要硬件构成、各子系统组成,最后叙述了装置的特点。
第三章 进行电气部分设计与实现。在掌握装置废水处理工艺和控制要求基础上,完成系统总体架构和控制方案设计;完成电气设计和工艺设备电气控制设计,同时进一步对电气控制元气件、检测仪表以及工艺设备进行了技术参数对比与选型。
第四章 完成自动控制系统设计与实现。对系统控制要求进行分析,以   作为控制器,采用Step7编程软件进行项目建立与硬件组态,模块化编程,实现就地手动、远程手动、远程自动控制功能;对远程监控系统进行结构规划和功能设计,基于 组态软件开发监控系统,实现设计功能;最后,设计调试方案,完成现场调试。
第五章 总结了本文研究内容,并对未来应当解决和完善的问题进行了展望。


目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章  绪论    1
1.1  课题研究背景与意义    1
1.2  本文研究的主要内容    2
第二章  生物制药污水处理工艺简介    4
2.1  工作原理    4
2.2  装置系统组成    5
第三章  电气部分的设计与实现    7
3.1  总体结构设计    7
3.2  控制方案设计    8
3.3  电气控制的实现    9
3.4  仪表与工艺电控设备选型    11
3.4.1  检测仪表选型    11
第四章  自动控制系统的设计与实现    13
4.1  PLC控制系统设计与实现    13
4.1.1  控制条件    13
4.1.2  项目创建与硬件组态    15
4.1.3  PLC控制程序实现    16
4.2  远程监控系统设计与实现    24
4.2.1  远程监控系统结构与功能设计    24
4.2.2  远程监控系统实现    25
4.3  控制系统与监控系统调试    29
第五章  总结    30
参考文献    31
