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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315803 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315803

1 熟悉HPDM热泵垃圾渗滤液处理的工艺流程,知道其技术说明和工作过程(其中工作过程包括启动阶段,工作阶段,清洗阶段,停机阶段),了解其应用前景。
2 根据HPDM热泵垃圾渗滤液污水处理工艺和其电路图,完成控制系统硬件选型、检测仪表(压力,流量,液位,温度检测)、电控设备等;并完成PLC选型;
3 PLC控制程序设计,基于STP 7完成编程,实现控制方案中提出的控制要求。设计电控阀门,水泵的开度和模拟量与数字量的转换程序是本文的重点。
4 采用SIMATIC Manager仿真软件完成控制程序调试;
关键字:污水处理  自动控制  PLC  硬件设备  程序仿真

Sewage treatment plant PLC Control System            
Design and Implementation
Industrial Automation modern manufacturing technology as one of the most important technologies of the 20th century, mainly to solve the problem of production efficiency and consistency. In sewage treatment control system, in addition to the existence of a wide distribution area, equipment scattered, multi-point control and control of information and complex requirements, while having a control input and output parameters to switch mostly small analog parameters features, which are advantages of PLC control system lies. PLC controller with its mature technology, versatility, high reliability, flexible installation, easy expansion, high cost performance series of advantages in industrial control has been more widely used. This paper designs and implements industrial wastewater treatment plant PLC control and PC monitoring system design and implementation, to ensure long-term stable operation of the device. The subject of the use of an integrated heat pump HPDM leachate treatment process, the use of the heat cycle in the salt and organic matter in landfill leachate and water separation, the garbage leachate to evolve.(Hereinafter referred to as integrated HPDM pump leachate: HPDM pump waste)this thesis as follows:
    1 A familiar HPDM pump leachate treatment process, knowing its technical description and work processes(including the start-up phase where the work process, session, cleaning stage,downstage),to understand its application.
2 According HPDM pump leachate wastewater treatment process and its circuit,complete the control system hardware selection ,instrumentation       (pressure, flow, level, temperature detection), electronic control equipment,  etc.; and complete PLC Selection; 
    3 PLC control program design, based on STP 7to complete the program,the proposed control schemeto achieve control requirements;Design electrical control 
valves,pump opening and the analog and digital conversion process is the focus of this article.
    4 Using PLC SIM simulation software completes the control program debugging;
Keywords: Sewage treatment; automatic control; PLC; hardware emulation program


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章  绪论    1
1.1 本课题研究背景与意义    1
1.2 我国垃圾污水处理现状及影响    2
1.3污水处理控制技术国内外研究概况及发展    3
1.3.1国外研究概况及发展    3
1.3.2国外研究概况及发展    3
1.4 本文主要研究内容    5
第二章 HPDM热泵垃圾渗滤液工艺简介    6
2.1 HPDM热泵垃圾渗滤液工艺简介    6
2.1.1热泵垃圾渗滤液处理技术说明及基本原理    6
2.1.2热泵垃圾渗滤液处理工艺设备的连接    6
2.1.3热泵垃圾渗滤液处理工作过程    7
2.1.4热泵垃圾渗滤液处理优点    7
2.2HPDM应用前景    8
2.3小结    9
第三章 污水处理装置系统硬件选型    11
3.1污水处理装置系统总体结构图    11
3.2污水处理装置硬件选型    12
3.2.1工艺电控设备选型    12
3.2.2检测仪表选型    13
3.3PLC模块选型    14
3.4小结    15
第四章 污水处理系统PLC软件程序设计    16
4.1项目建立与硬件组态    16
4.2本实验程序的符号表    19
4.3 PLC程序设计    20
4.3.1起动程序设计    20
4.3.2工作阶段程序设计    22
4.3.3清洗阶段程序设计    25
4.3.4停机阶段程序设计    28
4.4程序仿真    30
4.5小结    33
第五章 总结    35
参考文献    36
