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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315809 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315809

摘 要
水是人类社会发展不可少的和不可替代的资源, 所以水资源应成为人类可持续利用的宝贵资源。地球上水的循环, 可分为水的自然循环和水的社会循环。水的自然循环有多种, 对人类最重要的是淡水的自然循环。水从海洋蒸发, 蒸发的水气被气流输送到大陆, 然后以雨、雪等降水形式落到地面, 一部分形成地面水, 一部分渗入地下形成地下水, 一部分又重新蒸发返回大气。地面水和地下水最终流回海洋, 这就是淡水的自然循环。

关键词:水厂滤池 恒水位PID控制 自动反冲洗 协调控制
Fiber winding tension is an important factor in the molding techniques of composite material which influences the quality of winding product directly, and the tension control is a key technique in fiber winding techniques. This paper introduces a closed-loop tension control system with the programmable logic controller (PLC) with function modules as its control kernel, the alternating current (AC) servo motor as execute element and the radius-following device to accomplish the real-time radius compensation. The mechanism of the tension control system is analyzed and the numerical model is set up. The compensation technique of the radius of the scroll is analyzed. Experimental results show that the system is well qualified with high control precision and high reaction speed.
The components of composite material fiber winding possess such advantages as low weight,high strength, and high corrosion resistance, andn they are widely applied in aviation and aerospace industry. Many researches have shown that improper or unstable tension leads to a strength loss of 20%-30% of the fiber wound components. An ideal tension control system should provide stable and adjustable tension during the winding process.
With the development of the winding machine,tension controllers have, so far, undergone three stages of development,i.e., mechanical tension controller,electrical tension controller and computerized tension controller. With the development of electronic technology and the appearance of the microprocessor of higher cost performance, computerized tension controller came into use. Microprocessor becomes the kernel of the control system and thus cuts down the number of circuits of the electronic control system, which greatly simplifies the system, improves its reliability and makes possible the application of advanced control methods.Therefore, this type of controllers is widely used.
The tension control techniques are becoming mature and the specifications are being improved in some developed countries. However, the fiber winding industry of China started up late and still drops behind compared with the western countries.

Key Words: tension control; PLC; numerical control winding machine


目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 课题研究背景    1
1.2 课题研究内容    1
1.2.1 研究现状    1
1.2.2 研究内容    2
1.3 研究的目的和意义    2
第二章 控制系统总体方案的设计    4
2.1 系统分析    4
2.1.1 V型滤池工艺应用及过程    4
2.1.2 V型滤池结构、工作原理、工艺特点    4
2.1.3 滤池控制系统的组成及其控制任务    5
2.2 系统总体方案的设计    6
2.2.1 滤池自控方案及总体结构的实现    6
2.2.2滤池控制器    6
2.2.3 反冲洗工艺过程的运行    6
第三章 控制系统的硬件设计    9
3.1 滤池实现自动控制所需的设备    9
3.1.1 自控设备清单    9
3.1.2 I/O模块的基本参数配置    9
3.2 传感器和执行器的选择    11
3.2.1 液位传感器的选择    11
3.2.2 压力变送器的选择    12
3.2.3 调节阀的选择    13
3.3 系统的硬件配置及I/O连接图    14
3.3.1 系统的硬件配置设计    15
3.3.2 系统的I/O配置设计    15
3.4 控制参数整定    16
第四章 系统的软件设计    19
4.1 软件总体方案的设计    19
4.1.1 控制方案流程图    19
4.1.2 自动反冲洗子程序流程图    20
4.2 控制方案程序    20
4.2.1 控制器组态    20
4.2.2 人机界面参数配置    21
4.2.3 文本显示参数配置    25
4.2.4 自动反冲洗子程序    39
第五章 监控系统的设计    41
5.1 组态王6.52简介    41
5.2 监控界面的设计    41
结束语    48
参考文献    49
致谢    50
