来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16315812 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315812
摘 要
Vending Machine System Design Based on PLC
The vending machines are intelligent machines that can calculate the prices of goods according to the consumers’ inputs and vend goods without a sales staff. Vending machines are commonly used as commercial automation equipment to achieve a retail form of a 24-hour mini-supermarket. The PLC has a good stability and a complete implementation of the various functions of the vending machine. Being assisted by a number of electronic components enables it to continue to develop new features. In this design, the vending machine is based on the PLC. In the design, what we should do first is to observe the vending machines which we have had and search for some relevant information. According to these features we could design your own vending system. Then list the I/O allocation table and use simulation software after writing programs in order to achieve the expected results. Finally, use the push-button switches to analog infrared sensors and use light emitting diodes to analog motors. Wire all the parts and complete the debugging to achieve the goal.
The paper describes the design process of automatic vending system based on PLC and briefly describes parts of hardware and software of the vending machine, wiring and debugging, and software simulation.
Keywords:Vending Machine;PLC;Siemens
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 自动售货机的研究背景及意义 1
1..1.2 研究自动售货机的目的 1
1.1.3 自动售货机的发展前景 2
1.1.4 自动售货机的结构及其功能 2
第二章 基于PLC自动售货系统的设计思路和解决方案 4
2.1设计思路 4
2.2 解决方案 5
2.3 预计效果 5
第三章 自动售货系统的硬件部分 7
3.1 PLC的选型与介绍 7
3.2 数码管的选型与介绍 7
第四章 自动售货系统的软件编程 10
4.1自动售货系统的流程图 10
4.2 主程序 11
4.2.1 主程序的功能 11
4.2.2 主程序I/O分配表 11
4.2.3 主程序梯形图与说明 12
4.3 数码管显示程序 19
4.3.1 数码管显示程序的功能 19
4.3.2 梯形图与说明(元) 20
第五章 软件仿真 25
5.1 软件使用介绍 25
5.2 软件仿真过程 26
5.2.1 主程序仿真 26